
Chasity Douyon’s guide to mastering #SocialSaturday for LinkedIn sourcing and branding

Utilizing the #SocialSaturday hashtag can be a great way to be able to quickly and easily find posts about new job openings, active and passive job seekers, and new connections.

Chasity Douyon
Talent acquisition advisor
chasity douyon


If you don’t already know, #SocialSaturday is a LinkedIn connection extravaganza that started over a year ago by Victoria T. 

In my experience, #SocialSaturday isn’t just another trending hashtag on LinkedIn; it’s become a beacon for recruiters and job seekers alike. 

It’s an avenue for recruiters to announce job openings and scout potential candidates across diverse sectors. On the other hand, job seekers use it to declare their availability, specify their industry preferences, or simply expand their professional network.

Let me share some insights on how this hashtag is revolutionizing how we discover and connect with talent.

How #SocialSaturday elevates sourcing strategies

Throughout my journey in talent acquisition, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of social recruiting

It’s not just about posting jobs online; it’s about building genuine relationships and tapping into networks to find the best fit. #SocialSaturday takes this to another level. 

This has become a strategic recruitment marketing tool that’s reshaping how we recruiters connect with the right candidates on LinkedIn, making our efforts more targeted and effective.

Here are three ways I like to take advantage of this hashtag for effective LinkedIn sourcing: 

  1. Discovering hidden gems: By integrating Boolean search strategies, recruiters can pinpoint specific talents. For instance, a search combining “#socialsaturday” AND “software engineer” can unveil both active job seekers and passive candidates keen on expanding their network.
  2. Promoting new opportunities: I’ve personally leveraged this hashtag to highlight job vacancies, and the response has been overwhelming. Quality candidates often express their interest, making the sourcing process more streamlined.
  3. Adapting to the new normal: Post-pandemic recruitment is a different ballgame. With a surge in skilled applicants exploring new avenues, an active social media presence can be the key to identifying those elusive purple squirrel candidates.

Crafting a stronger recruiter brand using #SocialSaturday

Employer branding is more than just a buzzword in the recruitment space; it’s the bridge that connects us to potential candidates. 

With #SocialSaturday, I’ve found a unique avenue to not only amplify our brand’s voice but also to engage in genuine conversations. 

It’s about creating a narrative, building trust, and positioning ourselves as more than just recruiters but as thought leaders and connectors in the industry.

#SocialSaturday isn’t just about sourcing; it’s a branding powerhouse. Here’s why:

  1. Sharing wisdom: In today’s competitive job market, candidates are on the lookout for insights that give them an edge. By disseminating job tips and industry knowledge, recruiters can foster trust and establish themselves as thought leaders.
  2. Engaging through content: Sharing pertinent industry articles can spark meaningful discussions. It offers candidates a platform to voice their perspectives, enriching the conversation.
  3. Showcasing corporate culture: Highlighting company milestones, projects, or growth trajectories can pique the interest of potential candidates. After all, who wouldn’t want to be associated with a thriving enterprise?

Utilizing the #SocialSaturday hashtag can be a great way to be able to quickly and easily find posts about new job openings, active and passive job seekers, and new connections. 

This leads me to my shout-out to Victoria T. for starting the LinkedIn phenomenon that has been a way for everyone to gain connections and grow. It is a way to help solidify one’s voice in their industry or share their services. 

So, join the movement and connect with like-minded and alternative voices in your industry and areas of interest. 

Who knows? #SocialSaturday might end up being your new source of talent or clients!


Chasity Douyon

Chasity has over 3 years of experience as a dedicated career coach and more than a year and a half in technical recruiting. She is passionate about helping individuals find their professional path and connecting top talent with leading companies. During her tenure, she successfully recruited software engineers for Google. She currently works as a Talent Acquisition Advisor for ScribeAmerica and helps find medical scribes for the West Coast region.

She holds two Master’s degrees, one in Counseling/Psychology and another in Communication Studies/Organizational Leadership. Beyond the world of work, she is an avid football fan. She bleeds crimson for the University of Alabama and proudly supports the Green Bay Packers in the NFL. She is currently lending her football knowledge as a college football scout for a local university’s home games, combining her love for the game with her dedication to talent scouting. She also has a knack for social media and currently has over 70,000 followers on LinkedIn.


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