More than 95% of recruiters today use LinkedIn to search for job seekers.

But when a platform becomes this popular, the competition for attracting high-quality candidates in the job market only grows.

Many recruiters are guilty of updating their LinkedIn profile inconsistently and not doing the right optimization to establish a digital presence–leading to a challenge in candidate sourcing

If you’re unsure where to start with a top-notch LinkedIn presence, let’s break it down to the basics so you can get top candidates’ attention for hiring!

9 steps recruiters MUST take to optimize LinkedIn for candidate attraction

Optimizing a LinkedIn profile is more than just uploading a professional-looking, well-polished headshot profile picture, adding a banner, and basic information about your recruitment agency or company. 

It’s all about making your profile searchable so that you can be easily found by potential candidates who are looking for new job opportunities.

The more candidates learn about your personal brand, the likelier they are to consider your job offers or as a reliable source. 

So the next time you open LinkedIn, keep an eye out for these nine essential steps you can take to optimize your profile. 

Step 1: Craft an engaging and professional headline

Your headline serves as a first impression to potential candidates. It should be concise yet impactful, capturing their attention and grabbing their interest since it’s one of the first things people notice on any LinkedIn profile.  

Incorporate relevant keywords and phrases that align with your recruiting expertise and industry. 

For example, instead of a generic headline like “Recruiter at XYZ company,” opt for something more specific and attention-grabbing such as “Tech Recruitment Strategist | Helping Companies Find Top Talent in the Digital Era.” 

This approach makes your LinkedIn profile more SEO-friendly and helps it appear in search engines. 

Step 2: Include a job description on your company’s LinkedIn profile

optimize linkedin

Adding a job description is another way to be on top of LinkedIn search.

This will help potential candidates looking for specific job types within your company find your profile more easily.

Use keywords in your job descriptions so that candidates can find you easily.

You can also include a link to your career page on your website so interested candidates can learn more about your company and the roles you offer. The key is to make a candidate’s job search as easy as possible so they can rely on you to help them land their dream job.

3. Create a compelling “About me” section 

Consider this part the most crucial section of your profile.

This section offers an opportunity to tell your professional story to qualified candidates and give them a deeper understanding of your skills and experience. 

Craft a compelling and concise narrative in your LinkedIn summary that highlights your unique selling points. Start with a captivating opening statement to grab attention, then outline your key skills, achievements, and areas of expertise. 

Incorporate quantifiable achievements whenever possible to provide tangible proof of your capabilities. 

Remember, the goal is to showcase your value and demonstrate how you can contribute to the success of candidates and organizations.

4. Highlight recommendations and endorsements

One of the most powerful elements on LinkedIn is social proof in the form of recommendations and endorsements. Reach out to your professional network, including your colleagues, clients, hiring managers, candidates, and even potential employers you have worked with, and request recommendations highlighting your strengths as a recruiter. 

These testimonials add credibility and serve as independent validation of your skills and professionalism. 

Similarly, encourage endorsements for your key skills, as they reinforce your expertise and increase the likelihood of being discovered by candidates searching for specific skills or attributes.

5. Optimize your skills and expertise section

LinkedIn provides a dedicated experience section for listing your skills and work expertise. Take advantage of this feature by selecting relevant skills that align with your recruiting specialization.

Be strategic in your choices, focusing on skills and certifications in high demand within your industry or niche. Remember to include soft skills, too, as this helps candidates understand your areas of expertise and increases your profile’s visibility in search results.

Profiles with at least five skills receive up to 17 times more profile views. So make sure you regularly review and update your work experience to stay current and reflect emerging trends in the job market.

6. Upload company videos

upload company videos to optimize linkedin page

Company videos are a great way to showcase your company culture and the roles you offer.

Potential employees love watching videos on a recruiter’s LinkedIn profile rather than a company page because it gives them a personal insight into the company.

You can use videos to introduce your client’s team and highlight why it’s a great place to work.

With videos becoming a popular and engaging medium, consider sharing employee onboarding videos. Highlight the requirements, culture, and benefits of working for your client’s company.

Ensure you post relevant content and include a call-to-action at the end of your videos so that candidates know how to apply for your open positions.

7. Network and engage proactively

LinkedIn groups can be a great way to connect with potential candidates and offer them the best candidate experience, as well as build authority for your agency.

When you join groups related to your industry or job type, you will be able to share your job postings and profile with people who are interested in those topics.

This is a great way to get your company in front of potential candidates who might not otherwise find you.

By participating in groups and discussions also, you can position yourself and your company as experts in your field.

This will make you more attractive to potential candidates who are looking for a company with authority and expertise.

8. Share thought leadership content

Positioning yourself as an industry thought leader is a powerful way to attract quality candidates. Share valuable content on LinkedIn that demonstrates your expertise and provides insights into the recruitment landscape. Write articles, post updates, and share relevant industry news and trends. 

This not only showcases your knowledge but also helps candidates see the value you can bring to their career growth. Engage with other professionals in your network by commenting on their posts and participating in relevant discussions. 

By consistently sharing valuable content and engaging in meaningful conversations, you establish yourself as an authority in your field and attract candidates who are drawn to your expertise.

9. Use LinkedIn Ads to target candidates

LinkedIn Ads are a great way to target specific candidates who are already interested in your company or the type of roles you offer.

You can create job ads that will appear in the candidate’s newsfeed, and even specify the job title and skills that you’re looking for.

It has a robust targeting feature where you can filter the candidates by their current company, job title, location, etc.

In other words, this paid ad feature makes it much easier for you to ensure that your job offers get in front of the right people.

LinkedIn is a tool that can help you find the best candidates for your roles. With tons of other companies who are always ready to snag the same best candidates, it is important to put your best foot forward.

Optimizing a company profile will not only attract more candidates but will also showcase your search agency in a more professional light.

Written by–
Andre Oentoro is the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award-winning explainer video company. He helps businesses increase conversion rates, close more sales, and get positive ROI from explainer videos (in that order).
Twitter: @breadnbeyond


LinkedIn: Andre Oentoro