Navigating the complexities of the global recruitment landscape requires expertise, foresight, and a deep commitment to ethical practices. 

Elliot Manning, the Managing Director of Kayman Recruitment, exemplifies these qualities, leading his firm to become a key player in staffing solutions across the UK, US, Australia, and the UAE. 

In his recent interview with Recruit CRM, Manning has shared some ‘can’t miss’ hiring strategies on honesty in business, important for recruiters looking to stand out in their field. 

Watch the full interview here:

Who is Elliot Manning?

Elliot Manning, Managing Director of Kayman Recruitment, is a prominent global staffing solutions provider with extensive operations across the UK, US, Australia, and the UAE. 

With over a decade of experience in the industry, Elliot has masterfully steered his firm to offer a comprehensive range of services, including recruitment to recruitment, office support, executive search, and more.

Over the years, he has demonstrated a strong commitment to innovation, integrating advanced technologies like AI into his practices to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. 

Being an advocate for ethical practices, Elliot emphasizes transparency and honesty in all business dealings, which has helped build long-lasting relationships in the industry.

Also read: Navigating the legal and ethical use of AI in recruitment

Key takeaways for recruiters

Take a look at some hiring strategies from Elliot’s recent talk:

  • Be transparent and honest in dealings, not just to build trust but to establish long-term relationships in the industry. 
  • Stay connected with industry developments through networks like “The Recruitment Network (TRN)” and other media.
  • Recognize when it’s time to take a break. He advocates for a balanced approach to work, where personal health and well-being are prioritized. 
  • Always do right by candidates and clients, even if it means foregoing short-term gains. 

That’s not it! Get all the details in the full interview.