Explore how to plan & organize team building activities for recruiters that boost team cohesion, enhance communication, and build trust.

team building activities for recruiters

How to arrange team building activities for recruiters in 6 steps? 

1. Determine a goal and budget

A team-building event without a clear goal will achieve nothing. Identify specific objectives, such as:

  • Introducing recruiters to each other
  • Encouraging constructive communication among team members
  • Resolving personal conflicts
  • Adapting employees to significant company changes

Once you’ve established the goal, decide on the budget. 

Consider the overall cost of organizing the event, including venue, activities, food, and any additional expenses. This budget will guide the team-building format.

Also read: How to set your recruitment budget for 2024?

2. Find out the preferences of employees

A successful team-building event is when the format fits the employees’ preferences. 

You must survey your recruiters to understand their interests. Without their input, you risk organizing an ineffective event. Here are a couple of scenarios that highlight this:

  • Scenario 1: Alex, a human resources specialist, planned a team-building event for recruiters, predominantly women over 40. Assuming they wouldn’t enjoy active sports like soccer or paintball, he arranged an escape room activity. However, feedback revealed that they found it boring and wanted something more dynamic.
  • Scenario 2: For another department, Alex designed a “maze with a guide” format. Teams, led by blindfolded leaders, navigated an obstacle course. Post-event feedback indicated that many employees were uncomfortable with physical contact, making the activity unpopular.

To avoid such mismatches, create an anonymous survey to ask questions like:

  • How do you like to relax on weekends?
  • How would you feel about an event where a colleague needs to touch you by the arm or waist?
  • Do you enjoy playing sports? If so, which ones?
  • What is the best day and time for team building?
  • Do team-building events frustrate you?
  • What aspects of team-building events do you dislike?

To encourage participation, provide ready-made answer options for certain questions. 

For instance, list popular team sports in the sports-related question. Once you gather responses, propose a few team-building formats and have employees vote on their preferred option.

Don’t miss out on: How can recruiters create a successful candidate experience survey?

3. Choose a format

The format must align with the preferences of your recruiting team. Otherwise, attendance will be low, and the team-building activity won’t achieve its purpose.

  • In-office format: Ideal for minimal budgets. Activities can include creating an escape room, game talks, team quizzes on professional topics, and more.
  • Outdoor format: Perfect for changing the environment. Options include basketball, laser tag, corporate yacht races, ropes courses, river rafting, and hiking.

For instance, the Kaiserkrone hike is a fantastic 5-day hike for outdoor team-building for recruiting teams. 

It starts and ends in the charming town of Going am Wilden Kaiser, featuring impressive elevation gains of over 5,000 altimeters (16,404 feet). The scenic Wilder Kaiser region, surrounded by vacation villages like Ellmau, Going, Scheffau, and Söll, offers an accessible and enriching experience.

4. Select an appropriate time

Consult with your recruiting staff about the best time and date during the planning stage. 

This ensures the event doesn’t disrupt their schedules. Some teams may prefer mid-week events, while others might find this inconvenient.

Consider the following factors when selecting the time:

  • Workload and deadlines: Be aware of major project deadlines or peak work periods. Scheduling team-building events during a quieter time can ensure higher participation and engagement.
  • Personal commitments: Employees have personal lives and commitments outside of work. Avoid scheduling events during holidays, school vacations, or other times when staff might have personal obligations.
  • Time of day: Some activities might be better suited for certain times of the day. For instance, physical activities might be more enjoyable in the morning when everyone is fresh, while creative or brainstorming sessions might benefit from an afternoon slot.
  • Seasonal considerations: Outdoor events are highly dependent on weather. Plan accordingly and have a backup plan in case of unfavorable conditions.

Also read: A recruiter’s handy guide to mental health management

5. Organize the team-building event

Organization is key to a successful team-building event. If held outdoors, ensure proper food, water, and weather accommodations. Plan meticulously by addressing these questions:

  • What supplies are needed, and where can they be sourced?
  • What should employees bring?
  • How will we communicate before the trip?
  • What is the destination and schedule?
  • How long will it take to get there, and what are the transportation arrangements?
  • How many attendees are expected?
  • Will meals be provided? If so, how many and where from?
  • What’s the duration of the event? If it extends late, what are the arrangements for sleeping, sitting, breakfast, and washing up?

The answers to these questions will help you organize a seamless event. 

6. Collect feedback

Post-event feedback is crucial for improving future team-building activities. 

Conduct an anonymous survey using Google Forms, asking questions such as:

  • What did you like?
  • What didn’t you like?
  • What can be improved for next time?
  • How did the event impact your ability to work with your colleagues?
  • Did the event meet your expectations? Why or why not?
  • Were there any logistical issues? If so, what were they?
  • How did the timing of the event fit with your schedule?
  • Do you have suggestions for future team-building activities?
  • What was your favorite part of the event?
  • What would you change about the event?

Also read: The ultimate interview feedback guide + FREE templates for recruiters

Frequently asked questions

1. Why should I arrange team-building events for recruiters?

Team-building events for recruiters help create a cohesive and efficient team by fostering trust and strong relationships. These events encourage open communication, improve collaboration, and enhance overall team morale, leading to better performance and higher productivity in the recruitment process.

2. What factors should I consider when choosing the timing for a team-building event?

When choosing the timing for a team-building event, consider your team’s workload and deadlines, personal commitments, the time of day, and seasonal weather conditions.

Scheduling during a quieter work period and avoiding personal obligation times will help ensure higher participation and engagement.

3. How can I ensure the team-building event aligns with my employees’ preferences?

To ensure the event aligns with employees’ preferences, conduct an anonymous survey to gather their interests and comfort levels. Questions should cover preferred activities, willingness for physical contact, favorite sports, and preferred timing. Use the survey results to choose a suitable event format.

Author Bio:

Vanessa Friedman is a content marketing professional who helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. Previously, Vanessa worked as a marketing manager for a tech software startup company. In case of any inquiry or suggestion kindly feel free to write her on GuestPostingNinja@gmail.com .