The total number of global email users are 3.9 billion which is rapidly increasing day by day. It is expected to reach 4.48 billion by the end of 2024. At some time or the other everyone is bound to make use of cold emails.

Did you know in 2020, there were approximately 306 billion emails exchanged every day worldwide?!

Cold email marketing has a response rate of 29% when the email is personalised. For some, it has increased to even 60% to 80% engagement rate.

Most recruiters see a response that is as low as 20%. Still, cold emails remain one of the best tools to recruit new candidates. Recruiting agencies are working more in terms of quality and quantity.

Using dedicated email sequence software, bulk emails that are well personalized and researched are sent every week.

Out of this, one tool that remains the most helpful is the AIDA Model.

What is the AIDA Model?

The four-step AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire and Action) Model is possibly the best marketing tool out there.

Attention: The first step is to get your reader’s attention. This is simple to follow since all you have to do is just add a good subject line.

Interest: Once you have your reader’s attention, the next step is to let them find your mail interesting. This can be done by offering data and proof that supports your opening line.

Desire: Give desire to your readers by offering them the benefits of your product or service.

Action: Finally ask your readers to do a call of action i.e., response to the mail. The desire to work with you has been set clear in their minds. Remember that all your ideas should be delivered in a transparent manner.

Are Cold and Spam Emails the Same?

How to know your cold email doesn’t go to the spam folder? Cold emails shouldn’t be compared to any spam emails. Cold emails and spam emails are completely North and South poles.

There is a huge difference between sending emails in bulk and targeting one to one business audience.

Spam emails use a false name and no such contact is provided. Cold emails provide three things– it addresses the recipient directly with their name, it has a specific request and also mentions a common contact.

To enhance email deliverability and ensure your cold emails reach the intended recipients’ inboxes, utilizing the right cold outreach software and implementing email verification is crucial.

If approached in the right way, a cold email is a precious tool for any recruitment agency.

How to Write the Perfect Cold Email?

Your readers will be getting hundreds of cold emails and that can just get piled up in their inbox. How to write a cold email that gets opened without actually getting deleted? Here are some of the rules that need to be followed:

  • Personalization: Keep your email personalized. It is one of the best ways to get your cold emails opened.
  • Subject Line: This is the first thing that grabs the attention of your reader. Even if you have written a great email body, the subject line still needs to be catchy and creative.
  • Be brief: Nobody is interested in reading long paragraphs. Keep it brief.
  • Keep it simple: Don’t use long sentences. Make sure your email is easily readable. Do not use too many fancy words.
  • Be honest: Honesty is indeed the best policy. This is not just for your emails but for recruiting as well.
  • Keep it to the point: Do not unnecessarily pull the conversation. If talking about something, talk in particular and directly.
  • Do not assume: While writing makes sure you two are on the same page.
  • Do not push for calls: Give them a reason to call. Do not push your conversation until the end just for the sake of calling.

What Makes a Subject Line Great?

The best cold email subject line should be creative, expressive, and informative. If you want the reader to read the whole email without deleting it, you need to know a few things i.e., include questions, drop names, benefits or a call to action. While writing a cold email subject line keep these things in your mind and ask yourself the following questions:

1. Is my subject line enough to make the reader curious?

The main goal of any subject line is to get the email opened by the reader. A subject line and a proper email body are the two deciding factors for a client whether it is worth giving time or not. If it doesn’t involve something which makes the reader curious, they will delete it without even reading.

2. Is it clear?

Your subject line should give the reader the basic idea of your email. Try to capture the attention of the reader. Keep it easy for the readers to understand in a go and ensure it doesn’t resemble spam emails that might discourage the reader from opening it.

3. Am I creating a sense of gravity towards the email?

When you are sending emails, you are actually expecting replies from the recipient. If after reading your subject line, the reader doesn’t open your email, he is not going to come back.

4. Have I added a touch of personalisation?

Want your reader to open your emails? Personalisation is the best way to increase the chances. It is not that tough to do. Just simply add the recipient’s name. If you are not awa
re of everyone’s name then at least ensure you talk about things that are relevant.

Here are some of the cold email subject lines that can help your potential candidates click on your email:

  1. Check it out [First_Name]
  2. [First_Name] [Company_Name]
  3. Are you repeating this same wrong step?
  4. Can you help me out?
  5. Are you ready for [Event]?
  6. [Connection] mentioned you.
  7. Check this out [First_Name].
  8. I would like to help you.
  9. Did you get what you were looking for?
  10. Question about [Goal]
  11. Feeling [Emotions]
  12. Only a few seats left. Hurry!

Recruiting Cold Email Templates

Good communication is just as energising as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.

Ensuring time to time communication is really important. A cold email is essential to connect with your new candidates but figuring out the right template is very hard. Here are some templates which every successful recruiter should use:

Template 1:

Subject line: 10 things to do in 2021

Hey [First Name],

Spotted your recent post on LinkedIn. I think I haven’t managed those things you have mentioned yet. Also, career change didn’t make it in your list, but I think you will be perfect for [Job Role] that we are hiring for at [Company Name].

I would love to tell you a little more. Do you have some time tomorrow around 2-4 in the afternoon?

[Your Name]


Template 2:

Subject Line: 3 reasons why [Company] is your perfect next stepping stone

Hey [First Name],

We are hiring for content writers over at [Company]. There are 3 simple reasons why this is a great fit for you.

  • It is one of the fastest-growing companies in the United States.
  • We have got world’s top experienced people working here so it’s a great place to learn.
  • Also is situated near restaurants where you can enjoy your favourite food.

I would love to tell you more about your role. Do you have time tomorrow evening?

[Your Name]


Template 3:

Subject line: Where did you get the idea for the [Recent Blog Post] on LinkedIn?

Hey [First Name],

Beautifully written on [Topic], I ended up sharing it with my team and they loved it. I lead recruiting at [Company]. We are interested to replace our blogs with some good and well-researched ones.

I am looking for someone to lead our content team – would you be interested to talk about this in the morning at 11?

[Your Name]


Template 4:

Subject line: I can see why everyone loves your work…

Hey [First Name],

I have to say that [Company] is impressed with your work. I have spoken to some of my friends in London and everyone has been praising you. I put in a little research and got to know why!

I thought you would be a perfect fit for our marketing team at [Company]. We have a good number of working freaks who live, work, and enjoy coffee.

Do you have time for a quick chat on Saturday at 11 am to explore more?

[Your Name]


Template 5:

Subject line: Want to grab a meal?

Hey [First Name],

I am [Your Name] and I head recruiting at [Company].

We are actually hiring for the role of a [Job Role] at the moment.

I really admire your work. Would you be open to having a quick chat to talk about what we have for you?

[Your Name]


Template 6:

Subject line: Advice…

Hey [First Name],

Our entire team loved the work on your recent video trending at number 1 on YouTube [Insert Details].

Any chance you would love to come in and share information about your work in details with our team?

They would really appreciate it…

[Your Name]


Template 7:

Subject line: Just got off the phone with [Connection]

Hey [First Name],

We are hiring for [Job Role] over at [Company]. So, we have been looking for the same within our network.

I just got off the phone with [Connection]- all he talked about was your work and how I had to talk to you.

So how about it? Are you interested? We are looking for a passionate candidate and I am pretty sure you would be perfect.

How about a call tomorrow at 12, if you are free?

[Your Name]


Template 8:

Subject line: Coffee with me and [Connection]?

Hey [First Name],

I am [Your Name], a recruiter at [Company]. We are hiring for the [Job Role]. I have been going through my network and found out you to be the best candidate.

I also found out that [Connection] is a close friend of yours – he suggested that you as a candidate would be a great fit.

Would you be interested to grab a coffee and take it further? I will make sure [Connection] comes along as well.

[Your Name]


Template 9:

Subject line: Impressed by your design style

Hey [First Name],

I just look through your [Recent Projects] and have been impressed by the way you portray your ideas and approach. We are looking to add a lead designer to our team, and it seems that you are a perfect fit for us.

Would be great to speak this week? Let me know the best time and how to reach you.

Looking forward to your reply and the kind of role you want to approach.

[Your Name]


Template 10:

Subject line: Looking for the best content creator to join [Company]

Hey [First Name],

My name is [Name] and I am the CEO at [Company Name]. I found your profile on LinkedIn while I was just reading articles. I was impressed by your profile and decided to drop a note.

It might be new to see a CEO reaching potential candidates and discussing career opportunities, but our company finds the best people and we put them together (however possible) and succeed. We do fun activities, face challenges, and complete exciting projects. That is why I focus a lot of my personal time in recruiting the potential candidates for our company.

We might have a position for you at my [Company Name]. But we want to hear from you first to make sure that we are on the same page.

Kindly, let me know if you are interested to learn and explore with us. I will connect you with someone from our team soon.

[Your Name]

If you think these templates have helped you understand more about cold emails then let us know in the comments below.