The storage of recruitment data in hard discs and emails has become as outdated as that of Excel spreadsheets.

In fact, what’s in vogue nowadays are nothing but central repositories that help manage candidate data.

If you ask us what a recruiting database in general is, then here’s the answer.

A recruiting database helps you to start and set up your recruitment business within just a few minutes.

This searchable repository allows you to easily access your jobs, candidates, applications, candidate notes, etc. Just like you, your recruitment database will grow with time.

Bye bye, manual record-keeping!

Recruiters need to invest in a quality recruitment database to maintain maximum efficiency and optimize the recruitment process. The database’s information is stored based on relevancy and must be accessible to all recruiters in a staffing firm.

In short, you can say a recruiting database is like a staffing firm’s lifeline.

Once your database is integrated with your Applicant Tracking System, recruiters will find it easier to manage their jobs. You’ll then be well-placed to make a suitable decision in less time.

3 steps to choose the perfect recruiting database

1. Your recruitment database should be a part of your ATS

Building your recruitment business requires both time and effort.

If you end up selecting a database that is not a part of your Applicant Tracking System, it’ll end up doing the opposite of what it’s supposed to do, i.e. lose your time and energy.

Therefore, it’s imperative to have a database connected to the current ATS that you’re using.

Moreover, it’s important to invest in a cloud-based recruiting database.

This helps the data to be accessible across multiple platforms on the go.

To enhance the effectiveness of your recruiting efforts, it is beneficial to unlock database DevOps metrics, which can provide valuable insights into performance and optimization.

2. Use #Rectech to parse candidate data

To grow a database, you must ensure that you’re putting the right data in the system.

You need to screen the data properly to ensure everything is running as smoothly as possible.

A good example is hosting your data in the cloud with desktop virtualization solutions, you can access the candidate’s file anywhere, anytime.

Never compromise on the quality of information that you’re using. Make sure a good resume parser is being used to parse candidate data.

Don’t forget, at the end of the day; your recruiting database is one of your most valuable assets. Every time you search for a candidate, the result should be accurate and relevant.

3. It should have the right integrations

Choosing the right recruitment database for your agency doesn’t have to be rocket science.

However, for your database to function effectively and use additional tools, remember to check if your recruitment CRM integrates with your favorite job boards and social media profiles.

For example, Recruit CRM allows Zapier integrations, and with the help of an API, you can integrate most of the job boards.

Apart from this, ensure your CRM allows email integrations to manage candidate and client relationships and also provides you with data and analytics to measure every bit of your business.

Frequently asked questions 

1. How does a recruiting database differ from traditional data storage methods?

A recruiting database differs from traditional data storage methods in several key ways:

a. Centralization: Unlike storing data in hard disks, emails, or Excel spreadsheets, a recruiting database provides a central repository for all candidate and job information.

b. Accessibility: It’s typically cloud-based, allowing recruiters to access data across multiple platforms and devices anytime and anywhere.

c. Searchability: The database is easily searchable, making finding specific candidate information or job details much faster than manual filing systems.

d. Integration: Modern recruiting databases integrate with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and other recruitment tools, creating a more streamlined workflow.

e. Real-time updates: Unlike static storage methods, a recruiting database can be updated in real-time, ensuring all team members can access the most current information.

f. Data parsing: Many recruiting databases use advanced technology to automatically parse and categorize candidate data from resumes and other sources.

2. What are the security measures to consider when choosing a recruiting database?

When selecting a recruiting database, ensure it offers data encryption, secure user authentication, and regular backups to protect sensitive candidate and client information from unauthorized access or data breaches.

3. Can a recruiting database integrate with marketing tools?

Yes, many recruiting databases can integrate with marketing tools like email marketing platforms, CRMs, and social media to help you engage with potential candidates and clients more effectively, making recruitment marketing easier.