The trend of using text messages to attract candidates is snowballing. And why not? 

With a whopping 90% open rate, text messaging has the potential to grab talent’s attention through direct and personalized communication (much more than any other medium!).

Not sure where to begin? 

Let us take you through everything you need to know about the magic of text recruiting.

What is Text Recruiting?

Text recruiting is simply the method of communication used by recruiters to reach out to potential candidates via text messages. 

Recruiters can use their devices or any text recruiting software to send candidates personalized messages, keep them up-to-date on the hiring process, schedule interviews, and much more.

By including text messaging in the recruiting strategy, recruiters can build closer relationships with their candidates, expect quicker responses, and stand out in the competitive market. 

5 Major Benefits of Text Recruiting

Text Recruiting

1. More Eyeballs and Thumbs

It’s irritating when candidates ghost you, right? We understand, and luckily, there is a solution to it.

Reports show that text recruiting has five times better response rates than emails. Also, its opt-out rate is much lower.  

While some recruiters are still worrying about stagnant email open rates, the smarter ones are already utilizing text messages. So, which one would you like to be?

2. Enhances Candidate Experience

For most candidates, answering a quick message on platforms like WhatsApp, Slack, LinkedIn, etc., is more convenient than taking phone calls or scanning through hundreds of unread emails. 

Research showed that candidates who received mobile texts from recruiters rated their candidate experience 50% higher than those who didn’t. 

This may be partly because receiving messages via an informal medium induces less pressure on candidates to communicate.  

Recruiters who implement text recruiting appear more approachable and transparent, which can be a positive characteristic in the candidate’s view. 

3. Reduces Time-to-Fill

Text messaging helps recruiters speed up their communication process and reduce the time required to move candidates through the hiring funnel. 

According to statistics, 95% of texts are opened within 3 minutes, and it takes only 90 seconds for candidates to respond to those texts. 

This proves how efficient text recruiting is in connecting with talents and getting the job done quickly. 

4. More Scalable

One of the benefits of text recruiting is that it allows recruiters to scale it as their hiring strategies evolve. 

You can use it according to your candidate’s interests, requirements, and attitude.

Text messages can be used to update your candidates about their application status, notify them about new vacancies, send them invitations for job fairs, share essential details about scheduled meetups or interviews, and so on.  

Text recruiting allows personalization at each stage, making it much easier for recruiters to connect with a bulk of candidates without losing track. 

5. Stronger Compliance

The communication between recruiters and candidates should be trackable for compliance purposes. 

Unlike phone calls, text messages can be used as written documentation. Centralizing text conversations into a recruiting software offers more substantial compliance to recruiters who text candidates through their devices. 

Future of Candidate Communications

Text Recruiting

A recent study found that 75% of millennials choose text because it’s more convenient and less disruptive.

As more and more generations enter the workforce, we’ll see messaging apps like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and WeChat become common ways to communicate with candidates. 

AI and chatbots will support the hiring process and cater to job seekers who prefer written communication. 

As the mode of communication gets more accessible, recruiters can focus on more strategic aspects of talent acquisition, like making the final hiring decision.

Text recruiting will benefit job seekers and recruiters by providing a more transparent view of the hiring process and reducing the stress of early formal interactions.

Rules of Text Recruiting 

Text Recruiting

Before we get into the ready-to-use SMS templates for recruiters, take a look at some crazy texting rules that you must be aware of!

Rule No. 1: You are not friends with the candidate, so do not text them like friends. Avoid sarcasm. Keep it professional and short.

Rule No. 2: Don’t text them a novel! If the message is long, then send it over an email.

Rule No. 3: If the candidate asks you a question, answer it to the point. Don’t beat around the bush!

Rule No. 4: If you expect a quick response, clearly state that politely in the message. Set the ground rules around expectations early. 

Rule No. 5: To convey a professional and intelligent image while texting candidates, it’s advisable to use a minimal amount of emojis.

5 FREE Ready to Use Templates

Now that you know the surprising texting rules, we have created some templates to ensure you hit the right road.

1. Introducing Yourself

You can use these suggestions if you really want to stand out while introducing yourself in text messages:

a. Hey {first name}. {Your name} from {your company}, here. Your LinkedIn profile is *super* impressive. We have a new role in our {name of department} opening up, and I think it just might be perfect for you. Are you free for a quick chat?

b. Hey there, {first name}! This is {your name} from {your company}. We have a new role in our {name of department} opening up, and we think you might be perfect for it. Here’s a link with the details {link to job ad}. Feel free to text me anytime with questions!

Note – If you’re spamming, of course more applicants will see your SMS, but it doesn’t mean all will reply. Therefore, personalize your message as much as possible.

2. Scheduling Interviews

Regardless of your current scheduling process, texting can be useful for setting up interviews with candidates.

Here are the templates for the same:

a. Hi {first_name}, I’ve reviewed your resume and would love to schedule a few minutes to discuss the {position name} role. You can find 30 minutes that work for you here: {calendar snippet}.

b. Hi {first_name}, we’re excited to move you forward in our process. The next step is a {interview type} with the {recruiting/hiring team}. Please be on the lookout for an email requesting your availability. Text me if you have any questions!

Note- Keep it brief and direct. Avoid “over texting.” 

3. Keeping in Touch

Reach out with brief reminders or information requests to make sure no one on the hiring team is forgotten for an interview.

Take a look at these templates:

a. Hey there, {first_name}. Just a friendly reminder that we have an interview scheduled for {day and date} at {time}. We look forward to meeting you!

b. Hello, {first_name}. We haven’t heard from you for a while. Are you still interested in our {name of position}? 

4. Collecting Interview Feedback

After an interview, gathering feedback from prospects can be pretty helpful, and texting can be the ideal medium for this.

Take a look at this template:

Hey, {first_name}!

I wanted to reach out and ask for your feedback on the recent interview you had with us for the {position_name} role at {Company_name}. Your input would be greatly appreciated as it will help us improve our interview process and make more informed decisions in the future. 

Here are a few questions you can consider while providing feedback: 

Overall how would you rate the interview process and experience?

Were there any areas of the interview that you felt were particularly strong or weak?

Were there any topics that you felt were not adequately covered during the process?

Was there anything that would have made the interview process better for you?

Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to assist you. Thanks in advance for your time and feedback. 



5. Rejecting the Candidate

Rejecting candidates is quite common, but rejecting them gracefully with dignity is not!

Here is an elegant template for rejecting the candidate:

Thank you for your time and interest in the {Position Name} role at {Company Name}. We appreciate your application and your efforts in interviewing with us. 

After careful consideration, we have decided to move forward with another candidate. We wish you all the best in your job search and encourage you to keep in touch with us for future opportunities.



With all these benefits that come in handy with something everyone regularly does, it is inevitable for recruiters to hop into the text recruiting trend.

And it is worth the hype! So, join the queue if you haven’t already.