Have you ever come across a company and thought, “Woah, that looks like my dream employer. I’d love to work here!” 

That’s the impact employer branding can create. 

In her recent conversation with us, Anna Bertoldini shared some solid hacks for building a strong employer brand. 

Read on to know it all. 

Knowing Anna Bertoldini

anne bertoldini with recruit crm

Anna Bertoldini‘s journey to employer branding is one of a kind, driven by curiosity and her love for connecting with people.

Though she holds a master’s degree in international relations and communication, fate led her unexpectedly into this industry. 

Now, as the Global Employer Branding & Recruitment Marketing Lead at Nielsen IQ, Anna uses her skills to help companies attract the best talent and create strong employer brands.

What is employer branding?

As Anna puts it, employer branding is all about the perception of your company as a workplace.

It’s how people view your company culture, values, and the overall employee experience. 

Bertoldini emphasizes the importance of building a brand that resonates both with current employees and potential candidates, making employer branding a key driver in recruitment excellence.

So, how do you go about building your employer brand?

Anna lays out a roadmap for building a successful employer branding strategy.

Here are some of the key steps:

1. Embrace creativity and experimentation 

Employer branding is a relatively new field, so there’s plenty of room for innovation and exploring different approaches.

Since there’s no one-size-fits-all approach, you have the freedom to try new tactics, from recruitment campaigns to unique employee recognition programs.

Experimenting with different mediums, messages, and platforms allows you to discover what truly resonates with your audience and sets your brand apart.

2. Keep it people-centric

Remember, employer branding is all about people. 

Tailor your strategy to resonate with your target audience and authentically showcase your company culture.

Highlight real employee stories and demonstrate how you support and value your workforce. This authenticity attracts candidates who are a good fit for your company culture.

3. Set SMART goals and track your progress

Be very specific in laying down what you want to achieve with your employer branding efforts.

Clearly define your aim, whether it’s increasing your talent pool, enhancing your company’s visibility, or improving employee retention rates. 

Establishing KPIs, such as social media engagement rates or the number of applications received, allows you to monitor your progress and make data-driven decisions to refine your strategy.

4. Be adaptable and flexible

What works in one market might not work in another. 

Your employer branding strategy should be flexible enough to adapt to these changes. This means revising your messaging to align with current job seeker priorities or exploring new channels to reach your audience. 

Staying attuned to the market and being willing to pivot your strategy ensures your employer brand remains relevant and appealing.

5. Empower your recruiters

Recruiters are the face of your company to potential candidates. 

Providing them with training on your employer brand story, as well as access to engaging content and materials, enables them to make a compelling case to candidates about why your company is a great place to work.

6. Add a human touch

In today’s digital age, people crave genuine connection. 

Incorporating a human touch into your employer branding efforts—whether through personalized communication, community-building activities, or showcasing the people behind your brand—can significantly enhance your appeal to potential candidates. 

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