With a continually changing work environment, employers are placing more emphasis on creating a sustainable business culture.
Hiring employees with the appropriate skills that fit into this environment is of the utmost importance. To meet their recruitment goals, an ever-growing number of recruiters are reaching out to social media.
Social media recruitment has become the new norm and you have clearly seen how they’re adapting to it seamlessly.
After conducting a survey, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) recently confirmed that more than 84% of businesses are using social media as their recruitment strategy to currently enroll new employees, while another 9% plan on implementing it soon.
Yet, many of these companies aren’t using this resource strategically or to its full potential.
Social media recruiting sites allow organizations to create an accessible employer brand through storytelling marketing and displaying an insider look into their business culture.
Although there’s a rise in a few non-conventional social media recruiting sites like Instagram— all these are ideal to serve a social recruiter’s purpose. instagram recruiting strategy.
Such kind of recruiting strategies focus on short videos, preferably created with a video maker, and photos that enable users to absorb content more efficiently, satisfying their information needs.
So, let’s delve into some of the ways that you can use video in your Instagram or other social media recruitment strategy.
1. Exhibit Your Brand’s Human Side
Instagram is the ideal platform for displaying your brand’s human side. Creating original videos that capture exciting and fun moments within your venture, like celebrations or events, allows you to positively exhibit your company’s culture. It’s also wise to encourage employees to share work-related footage from their accounts.
It’ll broaden your brand’s reach and demonstrate that your team enjoys working at the organization and that they take pride in sharing their experiences.
It also provides you with the opportunity to reach out to potential employees by giving them insight into what it’s like to work at your venture. By displaying a positive work environment, job seekers are more likely to apply for a position within your company, ultimately expanding the talent pool when recruiting.
2. Remember to Use Hashtags
One of the simplest ways to find people and categorize users with similar interests is through use of hashtags. If you’re looking to recruit people, you can use this tool in one of the two ways mentioned below:
- You can use hashtags to search for potential candidates
- Attract prospective employees by incorporating hashtags in your posts
Searching for industry-specific event hashtags is another option that’ll help you identify potential candidates more efficiently. For instance, if you’re looking for someone to fill a senior marketing position, you could use #seniormarketingjobs or #hiringnow to determine interested candidates.
3. Share Your Links Wherever Applicable
Even though links won’t work in your image captions and account description, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t include them. When you add a caption, Instagram images are perfect for drawing attention and directing traffic to job ads, blog posts, etc. You merely have to insert the applicable URL into visually stimulating material that’ll capture the crowd’s attention.
There’s also a method for working around the non-clickable issue. You can place a link in your bio section then use your captions to direct followers to it. Unfortunately, Instagram limits you to put one link in that section at a time.
An effective social media strategy can significantly boost engagement and drive traffic, even on platforms like Instagram where clickable links are limited.
4. Advertise Vacancies Visually
It’s crucial to identify the most significant feature of the position you wish to advertise and focus on sharing a visually pleasing image portraying the vacancy. However, information about the job should be kept to a minimum on Instagram. It’s vital, though, to ensure that your followers know where to find more information or apply for the role.
5. Quality Vs. Quantity
On most social media networks, frequently posting your ads provides the best results. However, on Instagram, this isn’t necessarily the case.
Posting straightforward, high-quality content with a clear connection to and focus on your brand often delivers the best results on this platform. Instagram users quickly become irritated with a bombardment of low-quality updates that fills their news feed and don’t contribute any real value.
In Final Words
Even though Instagram wasn’t explicitly designed for recruiters to find employees, it’s an exceptional tool for posting job ads. Although, creativity is the key to success on this platform.
By exhibiting your brand’s human side, using hashtags, and advertising vacancies through visually engaging content, employers can easily scout for and attract potential candidates. However, it’s imperative to share your links by adding them to quality content to attract the desired attention.