Let’s admit it: we’ve all felt the sting of a poor hiring decision or the disappointment of losing an interested candidate. 

But what if there was a way to make the entire process more engaging and effective? 

Gamification can make hiring much more rewarding and engaging, and it’s a lot easier than you might think! 

Let’s look at how you can successfully implement this up-and-coming phenomenon. 

What is gamification in recruitment?

Gamification in recruitment

Gamification in recruitment is when companies use game-like elements and mechanics in the hiring process to improve the candidate experience, assess skills, and boost engagement. 

This involves integrating challenges, rewards, competitions, and interactive simulations into various stages of the recruitment process. 

By transforming traditional recruitment methods, gamification provides a unique way for candidates to showcase their skills and abilities, and encourages active participation from their end.

Quick note: Since this process requires different software and online apps for candidates to interact with, be sure to check the quality of the software before adding digital game elements to your job applications.

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What are the benefits of gamification in recruitment?

1. Enhanced candidate engagement 

When candidates are actively involved and having fun, they’re more likely to stay interested throughout the hiring steps. 

Remember, the recruitment process may be their first interaction with your company. 

So, gamification strategies can leave a positive impression, making them more excited to be a part of your team. 

Plus, with fewer people dropping out (because they’re engaged), you end up with a wider and better selection of potential hires.

2. Accurate and effective skill assessment

The usual recruitment methods, like resumes and interviews, can sometimes miss out on truly understanding a candidate’s full potential. 

Gamification can help here. 

It offers a deeper look into abilities like problem-solving, critical thinking, and teamwork. 

This not only gives a clearer picture of the candidate but also saves time usually spent on going through piles of resumes.

Pro tip: Using gamification early in the hiring process can help you quickly sort through and rank candidates faster, leading to a shorter and more efficient interview cycle. 

3. Highlighting your company culture and brand

Your recruitment process is a window into your company’s soul, just as pivotal as any marketing campaign. 

When candidates have a memorable, positive experience, they’re more inclined to spread the good word, potentially leading to longer tenures and more referrals.

Crafting games that mirror your company’s ethos gives candidates a sneak peek into life at your organization. 

This not only attracts those who resonate with your culture, ensuring a harmonious fit and happier employees, but it also underscores your commitment to out-of-the-box recruitment ideas.

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Top 5 ways to gamify your hiring process

You’ve now got an idea of how gamification can enhance recruitment, but what does it look like in action? 

Let’s explore five practical examples of gamification in recruitment. 

Just remember, like any new business approach, it might take a bit of tweaking to get it right. 

1. Interactive video interviews

Video interviews are becoming the norm for hiring processes, but they don’t have to be boring! 

Consider integrating game elements into the interview.

Rather than a static question-and-answer format, use video interview platforms that allow you to include timed challenges or scenario-based questions. 

Candidates can record their responses within a given timeframe, adding a sense of urgency and interactivity to the interview process.

Gamifying the interview process is particularly effective for roles demanding technical expertise. 

It offers a live window into a candidate’s problem-solving approach and how they tackle set challenges. 

If you’re considering this route, investing in reliable software or apps is essential. 

Ensure any chosen platform goes through thorough beta testing before integrating it into your interviews.

2. Skills-based challenges

Have you ever interviewed a candidate, or even hired one, who didn’t have the essential soft skills needed for the job? 

Gamification in recruiting and interactive games can help eliminate this problem. 

Early in the hiring process, you can introduce interactive game-based assessments, challenges, or mini-games that assess specific skills relevant to the job. 

Mini-games can range from simple literacy and numeracy skills to essential tasks expected from the potential employee. 

For example, when hiring a software developer, you could design a coding challenge where candidates solve programming puzzles or debug code within a time limit. Offer rewards or points based on their performance. 

This creates a competitive and engaging experience for the candidates. It will also help you to sort and rank potential employees.

3. Virtual simulations

Virtual simulations that mirror real-world job scenarios are a new and exciting way to screen potential candidates. 

You can clearly understand how they will respond to a specific scenario or problem in real time and judge them accordingly. 

This method of gamification is beneficial for jobs with soft skills, such as communication or problem-solving skills, which aren’t always easy to assess in an interview alone. 

For example, if you’re hiring for a customer service role, you can create a virtual simulation where candidates can navigate through different customer scenarios and decide how to handle them efficiently.

4. Team-based challenges

If you are looking for roles that thrive on collaboration, considering team-based challenges is a must. 

Watch candidates come together on virtual platforms or face-to-face group tasks to crack a problem or achieve a goal.

Observing them in action, you’ll quickly identify the leaders, the active contributors, and those who prefer the backdrop. 

This real-time interaction paints a vivid picture of their potential role in your team.

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5. Gamified onboarding

Gamification in recruitment doesn’t end when the final candidate is selected. 

You can incorporate it during the onboarding process, too! 

Interactive games and learning modules and virtual simulations are great ways of incorporating gamification into onboarding. 

These games create a sense of accomplishment and encourage new hires to participate and excel in their onboarding journey actively.

If you have a group of new employees, leaderboards and badges are a fun way to encourage healthy competition and engage new staff. 

New hires can earn points or levels based on their progress and achievements during onboarding. You can also award badges for completing specific milestones or demonstrating desired behaviors.

By introducing game elements in your hiring process, businesses can significantly boost candidate engagement while better assessing their skills. 

If you’re considering this approach, ensure your game mechanics align with job needs and are mobile-friendly. 

Finally, always value candidate feedback to refine your process. 

Happy recruiting!

About the author: Adam Stead – Content Marketing, Global App Testing

Adam Stead is a Content Marketer at Global App Testing, a best-in-class software testing company that has helped top apps, including Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and Craigslist, deliver high-quality software in markets across the world. Adam has 10 years of experience in editing, content creation, and digital marketing within the tech section, with a wealth of Social Media Marketing, Content Creation, Project Management, Podcasting, and Graphic Design skills. You can find him on LinkedIn