LinkedIn has actually been around for longer than Facebook or Twitter, with over 600 million professional users.

A social networking site that primarily focuses on professional networking and career development, you can extensively use this platform to find a perfect job or internship. LinkedIn actually helps you connect and strengthen your relationship on a professional level.

Although it is free, LinkedIn Premium is the subscription that offers additional features and as a recruiter, you must be actively seeking this out to attract qualified candidates.

Why should a recruiter use LinkedIn?

LinkedIn has officially passed around half a billion mark, ever since it has started in 2002 and has been growing rapidly since then. This is the platform where the rest of the decision-makers and executives spend their spare time on.

The best part? Most often they are scrolling and looking for active content to read. Thereby let’s look at the most significant reasons why a recruiter must use LinkedIn.

Read More: 7 secret tips for hiring the best candidates on LinkedIn.

1. Profiles can be easily comparable & searchable

It’s a nightmare if you had to go through and scan each and every single profile to look out for that one qualified candidate.

What would you prefer? Resumes with dozens of different formats or profiles of the candidates in the same manner?

LinkedIn pages and profiles are uniform in nature, meaning that all profiles and pages contain the same format. Uniformity makes it easier for the recruiter to spot a candidate down and hire.

In addition, it also manages to compare different prospects keeping all the factors side by side. It is comparatively easy to search the database which includes varieties of topics like industry, connections, current and previous companies, job title, profession, skills, and education. It targets the follower statistics and updates from a broader perspective.

2. You can reach out to passive candidates

LinkedIn mentions that at least 70% of its users are passive candidates.

Passive candidates are those candidates who are not actively hunting for jobs. As they are happily employed and not looking out for work, therefore, it is best for the recruiters to post job opportunities on the groups and LinkedIn company page.

This way potential candidates might earn opportunities. It helps to grab the attention of the professional although they might be passive. However, they can even recommend candidates from their own network.

3. You can look for candidate endorsements

If you’re a recruiter then you must know that every LinkedIn profile user has a set of skills that are endorsed by their well-established contacts. This actually makes it easier to narrow down your choices further.

There is a sheer volume of talent on this platform which can sometimes get difficult in terms of choice but if you’ve to choose between other professional platforms like Jobsoid and LinkedIn, the latter is, of course, your best option.

4. It has a job-posting capability

When you are hunting for active candidates, this makes it easier to post and distribute current job openings. It is a better option to post jobs on this platform rather than on other normal job-posting channels.

5. Can be integrated with many other services

It allows you to view the work of an individual who you are interested in through various featured sections and the presentation section. It also has its own internal e-mail tool through which you can send a message (InMail).

6 steps to posting your job On LinkedIn

Before committing to posting jobs on LinkedIn, make sure you have a LinkedIn company page.

You need to have a separate page for your business where your HR team regularly posts updates, promotions, and information about your company. Use your company email address as that makes it easier for everyone to access.

Step 1:

Click on the “Jobs” icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.

Step 2:

Click on the “Create new job” button.

Step 3:

Fill in the job title, company name, location (or indicate if it’s a remote job), and job type.

Step 4:

Provide a clear and concise job description, including required skills and qualifications.

Step 5:

Include relevant screening questions to help filter candidates based on their qualifications.

Step 6:

Review all the details and click the “Post job for free” button to publish your job listing.

Once the job gets posted, you will receive confirmation about your listing and what you will need to do next.

5 methods to post free jobs on LinkedIn

The future is in the hands of social media platforms. When it comes to recruiting, you only want to hire someone who is good and best with what they do. LinkedIn is the best platform to spot the right qualified candidate. You can get straight in touch with the candidate in just one click.

And the best part? You can post jobs on LinkedIn for free!

It is for sure that it would cost you to post a job on LinkedIn but here are a few methods by which you can post it for free.

This platform is very clear in terms of where they are collecting their revenue from which is via the method of an above job posting, however, follow the below steps to do it for free.

Method 1: The easy way

Did we tell you to make a LinkedIn company page? Then use it!

Post your company’s news feed about a job with a link to an external site or maybe a google form. And, you are done.

The more people like and comment on your LinkedIn page, the more visibility it’ll attract from all the users. Promote your job openings in your LinkedIn profile. You can use other social media platforms as well.

Method 2: Share with your co-workers

Tell your co-workers about the job opening in your company and ask them to share it on their news feed as well. In this way, you are exponentially increasing the reach of your job post. This could result in a widely- advertised position with higher quality candidates applying for it.

Method 3: Share in other LinkedIn groups

Before you are planning on sharing about your job to any other LinkedIn groups, make sure you meet the group’s guidelines, or else your job will be marked as spam.

Choose a good group wisely because a good LinkedIn group will focus on the overall growth of their community and not just their own company’s interests. Sharing to other LinkedIn groups will also increase the chances of visibility.

Method 4: Using the article feature

Using something in a measured way attracts the people in your network. As you have the liberty to post articles on your timeline, use it here to post a job on LinkedIn.

Although it is an old tactic recruiters use but is really an effective one. If you have written an article, notifications will be sent to everyone in your network. While writing the article, make sure you write a little about the opportunity and invite applicants.

Method 5: Post videos to promote

You cannot deny that LinkedIn loves videos. Research is proof that candidate engagement is more when they have a video embedded with it. Make a short and simple LinkedIn video (under 90 seconds). Try to look as professional as you can. Shoot your video, edit, and share.

Looks simple right? To ensure maximum visibility on your video, post natively so that candidates can watch it directly on the platform.

Encourage the applicants to reach out to you through the link provided. You can also automate this entire process using LinkedIn automation tools to cut down your efforts.

How do you boost your LinkedIn job posting?

LinkedIn is a tool that can expand your reach to your prospective clients and candidates. You are already paying if you follow the above method of posting a job on LinkedIn.

However, any recruiter can tweak it further and manage to promote their job posting by:

  • Use the Add Required Skills section to let LinkedIn come up with popular job skills for the position. In this way, you are able to find the best-suited candidates.
  • To make it more credible let LinkedIn show your profile on the job post. This puts a real person with an apt LinkedIn ID to appear on the listing making it more authentic.
  • Include the pay. If you don’t include the pay, LinkedIn will do it automatically by adding its own estimate. A lot of candidates look for compensation before they are looking to apply. Adding the salary can boost your LinkedIn job posting to another degree.

Exploring and learning more of what the site has to offer can help recruiters in an amazingly. If you too are in awe of the power of LinkedIn, comment below to let us know!