Greg Savage, the Founder of four successful recruitment businesses, a trusted advisor, author of The Savage Truth, a keynote speaker and a respected voice across the globe is in the recruitment sector now for more than forty years!
Sitting on the advisory board of 15+ recruitment and HR tech companies as of now (among which he had invested in a few), Greg spilt some major secrets about the recruitment industry in our podcast.
Greg has been holding masterclasses, online training and webinars for people who want to make it big in the recruitment sector.
He mentions in our podcast how the majority of the recruitment companies in the world (at least 80%) have fewer staff.
This means that the owner is billing, managing and trying to train. As a result, it leads to poor training of agency recruiters, slowing down productivity and employee retention.
Savage has been trying to solve this via his eclectic and highly rated training programs.
With the type of content Savage is pushing out, he says that’s just a small contribution to this sector because there are still loads of areas where agency recruiters can improve.
Subscribe to Greg’s Sixty Savage Seconds to access a range of videos on recruitment.
Tune in to the 20th episode of Recruitment Entrepreneurs and hear everything about Greg Savage’s journey in recruitment— from investing in the recruitment business to setting up high-quality recruitment training programs for companies.
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Read more: 13+ best podcasts recruiters need to listen to.