HR can be emotionally challenging at times. 

But what if we told you that emotions can actually work in your favor? 

Drawing inspiration from the beloved characters of “Inside Out”—Joy, Sadness, Anger, and the gang—let’s explore how to tackle common HR headaches with a touch of humor. 

Get ready for an entertaining journey!

Common HR issues and how to tackle them like a pro?

Challenge #1- Increasing employee retention 


HR issues - how to solve them?

Do you remember nostalgia

She is the keeper of bygone days, which take you back to the good old days when employees stayed for years. 

At times, employee retention can feel like a revolving door. So, how do you keep them from walking out?

Nostalgia’s advice: Make your workplace a positive space that offers growth opportunities through career development programs, build an inspiring company culture, and keep your benefits package irresistible.

Start conducting stay interviews. Ask your employees to fill out feedback forms and keep a section for what would make them stick around for the long haul.

Read more: Get access to FREE interview feedback examples

Challenge #2- Improving employee engagement

HR issues - how to tackle them?

Ah, Joy! You know her—always bright, upbeat, and ready to sprinkle vibrant energy. 

Joy’s mission is to keep her employees engaged, but with Zoom fatigue and monotony kicking in, it’s easy for Joy to lose her spark.

Joy’s advice: Keep things fresh and exciting! 

Create meaningful projects, recognize achievements publicly, and bring some fun into the office. Joy knows—happy employees are productive employees!

Implement an employee recognition program where peers can nominate each other for outstanding work. Everyone loves to feel appreciated!

Challenge #3- Reducing compliance nightmares 

HR issues - how to tackle them

You probably get to greet ‘Anxiety,’ the master of overthinking, when you’re staring at piles of compliance paperwork. 

One wrong move, and you land into serious legal trouble!

Anxiety’s advice: Don’t freak out. Stay ahead of the game with regular audits, ongoing employee training, and HR tech that keeps you on top of everything.

Set up quarterly compliance reviews and partner with legal experts to keep your policies aligned with the latest labor laws.

Challenge #4- Resolving workplace conflicts 

HR issues - how to tackle them?

We all know ‘Anger,’ the red-faced and fiery emotion, a bit too well—especially when team conflicts bubble up. Colleagues butting heads and disagreements in meetings lead to its entrance.

Anger’s advice: Don’t let this emotion take over. Encourage open communication and set clear expectations for workplace behavior. 

Conduct workshops to train your managers in conflict resolution. 

Offer mediation training for team leaders and managers. They’ll be better equipped to handle disputes before they become full-blown blowouts.

Challenge #5- Solving recruitment challenges

HR issues - how to tackle them?

Fear is the nervous voice at the back of your head, which always takes center stage during recruitment season. 

What if you can’t find the right talent? What if candidates ghost you after the offer? Fear loves to creep in. 

Fear’s advice: Take a deep breath and streamline your recruitment strategy.

Use data-driven tools to find the best candidates and improve your candidate experience

Use recruiting software to analyze bottlenecks in your hiring process and optimize your candidate experience for faster, smoother hires.

Pro tip: Say goodbye to fear forever with Recruit CRM.

It’s an easy-to-use AI recruiting software combining the features of an ATS + CRM, making your hiring process super fast and smooth.

Challenge #6- Handling performance management 

HR issues - how to tackle them?

Embarrassment is the friend that shows up uninvited, especially in cringeworthy moments like performance reviews. 

They can be awkward, especially when feedback is unclear or too critical.

Embarrassment’s advice: Turn these moments into opportunities for growth instead of dread. Keep the focus on continuous improvement, set clear goals, and provide actionable feedback that helps employees improve.

Don’t wait for the annual review—implement regular check-ins to make feedback less overwhelming and more constructive.

Also read: How to write a recruiter performance review? + 32 FREE templates

Challenge #7- Investing in training & development

HR issues - how to tackle them?

Here comes Ennui, the king of boredom, especially during endless training sessions. 

If your development programs are dull and outdated, you’ll lose your employees’ attention faster than you think.

Ennui’s advice: Keep training sessions interactive and relevant. Use e-learning modules and gamify the process.

Personalize training programs to fit each employee’s career path and needs, and make learning engaging with interactive content.

Challenge #8- Promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion

HR issues - how to tackle them?

Here comes Envy, the bitter comparer.

You’ll see her lurking when employees feel they’re not getting equal opportunities. 

Envy advises creating a workplace where fairness and equity are prioritized. Pay attention to diversity across all levels, including promotions, leadership, and pay equity. 

Conduct a DEI audit to ensure your practices match the inclusive culture you want to create.

Don’t miss out: Looking to build an inclusive team? Here are 20+ diversity hiring platforms that can come to your rescue

Challenge #9- Improving employee well-being

HR issues - how to tackle them?

Sadness, bearer of blues and heavy clouds, knows what it’s like when employees are overworked and stressed. 

You must look out for their well-being to keep your workforce happy, healthy, and productive.

Sadness suggests focusing on mental health resources, flexible work policies, and promoting work-life balance. Help lift the cloud of stress that Sadness brings with her.

Regularly assess employee well-being through surveys, and offer programs like counseling services, wellness initiatives, and flexible working options.

You may also like: How to support & manage mental health as a recruiter?

HR issues - how to tackle them?

Don’t trap your emotions in a jar; rather, lean on them and turn them into your gadgets for success. 

Frequently asked questions

1. How do I handle workplace conflicts before they blow up?

Conflicts must be dealt with before they spin out of control. 

Always encourage open communication among employees and create a space where they can voice any concerns before matters get out of hand. 

Set clear expectations for respectful behavior and encourage transparency. Conflict resolution training of your managers is of great importance. 

Equip them with the tools that’ll help to negotiate calmly and effectively so that minor issues won’t turn into full-blown dramas in the team.

2. How can I make performance reviews less awkward?

Instead of a once-a-year formal review, try to introduce more frequent, informal check-ins. 

It makes the feedback much more organic, and employees stay on track with their goals much better during the year.

It’s really important to set clear expectations by stating the measurables, or KPIs, at the beginning so you’re not surprised during the review. Focus on constructive feedback while pointing out areas to grow by giving credit for what has been achieved.

3. How do you manage to keep employees interested and motivated without making them burn out?

Keeping the workforce interested at work boils down to keeping them excited without overloading them. 

Try to create an environment where employees feel valued and connected. Mix some team-building activities and interesting projects to keep things fun. 

Keep checking in with your team to avoid overexertion.

A little work-and-play balance goes a long in keeping your teammates happy and motivated!