“Is there a way to create a streamlined recruitment workflow without writing codes?” 

Yes, this is your chance to make your recruitment process super efficient!

Try Recruit CRM’s Workflow Automation—an all-in-one solution that completely automates your day-to-day recruitment. 

This no-code solution is super easy to implement and is a fully managed service—which means all you have to do is share your requirements with us, and our team will take care of everything else! 

Sounds exciting? From integrations with 1000+ apps to integrated builders and custom recipes, there’s much more that you can achieve with Workflow Automation. 

Let’s get in. 

What is Workflow Automation in recruitment? [4 features to look out for]

workflow automation features

Workflow automation uses advanced recruitment technology to automate repetitive and manual tasks, such as candidate follow-ups, interview scheduling, and data entry, to improve efficiency and accuracy in the recruitment process.

Here’s a list of key automation features you need to know before committing to us: 

1. User-friendly interface & intuitive design

You can easily design single-step and complex workflows involving multiple steps, actions, and conditions.

2. Seamless integration

Recruit CRM’s Workflow Automation and integrations connect with 1000+ applications, systems, databases, and APIs. 

For instance, you could connect two or more third-party apps without involving Recruit CRM anywhere in the workflow!

3. Batch processing

This technology enables real-time data sharing and updates, streamlining the flow of information across different platforms. 

It also supports “Batch processing” to exponentially reduce task consumption of selected apps, such as Google Sheets, Power BI, HubSpot, Marketo, Salesforce, Workday, Redshift, Sense HQ, or any app that supports batch/bulk processing.

4. No-code customization

You can quickly create and manage workflows without needing technical expertise.

In fact, we have some custom recipes for you to set up common workflows quickly.

Check out: 10 awesome Recruit CRM features that our customers love

Recruit CRM’s glossary of Workflow Automation

New to automation? Let’s understand each and every term used in detail:

1. Connections

connections in workflow automation

The add-on connects to apps to build recipes, with each connection reusable across multiple recipes. 

Think of a connection as a key that allows it to unlock and communicate with another tool or app (e.g., Recruit CRM, Outlook, Slack, etc.).

2. Recipe

Now, imagine a recipe as a set of instructions or a cooking recipe. 

It’s a series of steps that guides the workflow on what to do with the information it gets from Recruit CRM (or any other connected tool). 

Recipes allow you to create automated workflows, like moving data from one tool to another, without manual effort.

3. Triggers

triggers in recruit crm

Triggers serve as events or conditions that kickstart the execution of a workflow. 

They determine when the automation begins by responding to changes or activities within connected applications.

4. Actions

Actions represent the specific steps or tasks performed in response to a trigger. 

These operations interact with connected applications and manipulate data. 

They encapsulate the specific functionalities and operations required to achieve the desired outcome of the workflow.

5. Assets

Assets within Workflow Automation are a comprehensive list encompassing all the Connections and Recipes associated with your account. 

These pivotal elements form the foundation of your workflow structure, providing the necessary components to drive automation.

A project serves as a repository for your integration assets. 

Within a project, you can organize and store a cohesive set of assets related to your integrations, encompassing recipes, connections, and sub-folders. 

Projects help users maintain a logical and organized workflow within their work environment.

6. Jobs

Jobs represent the instances or executions of your workflows or recipes. 

When you trigger a recipe, whether manually or through an automated event, a job is initiated to execute that particular recipe. 

Jobs serve as tangible records of the workflow execution, capturing details such as start time, end time, and any associated outcomes.

7. Tasks

A task represents a singular unit of work carried out whenever a recipe undertakes an action demanding computing resources. 

Each time a recipe utilizes an action offered by a connector, it registers as one task.

Have any doubts? Hit up our automation experts! 

3 real benefits of using Workflow Automation

“I’ve had a fantastic experience with Recruit CRM’s automation experts. They’ve been absolutely fantastic in terms of putting all our automation together!” 

—Scott Lechley, CEO, Lechley Associates Limited.

Beyond the obvious, these are some of the major advantages of implementing Workflow Automation: 

1. ‘Time Machine’ for your data

With the unique ‘time machine’ feature, you can create workflows that apply to past records that will let you update your recruitment database retroactively without the need to set up new workflows for older entries. 

It’s like going back in time to streamline your data management!

2. A+ candidate experience 

Automated workflows ensure that applicants receive timely updates and consistent communication throughout recruitment. 

This not only keeps them informed but also enhances their overall candidate experience and perception of the company, making them more likely to accept offers and recommend the company to others.

3. Maximize your workflow efficiency

Our add-on is designed so that IF statements, conditional statements, and formatting don’t affect your task usage. 

You can optimize your recipes to the fullest without worrying about task consumption while scaling your business.

You can’t miss out on: What is an applicant tracking system? Your one-stop guide [Updated for 2024]

How to get started with automation? 

workflow autmation

Here’s how you can get started: 

Book a demo with our automation experts. 

That’s it! 

Our team of consultants will set up all workflows during the onboarding process.

They will manage workflows, offering greater control and flexibility so that you can focus on growing your business!

In fact, if you’re using a different system, our experts can move your workflows to Recruit CRM’s Workflow Automation & Integrations platform at no extra cost.

Want to learn more about Recruit CRM’s Workflow Automation platform? 

Book a call now! 

Frequently asked questions

1. Are Recruit CRM and Workflow Automation different?

Recruit CRM is a comprehensive recruitment software that combines ATS + CRM features to streamline agency recruitment processes.

Workflow Automation is an add-on feature within Recruit CRM designed to automate repetitive tasks, improving efficiency and reducing manual intervention in recruitment processes.

2. Can I use Recruit CRM without Workflow Automation and vice versa? 

Yes, you can use Recruit CRM without Workflow Automation. You can check out our pricing plans

In fact, you can implement Workflow Automation beyond the Recruit CRM environment.