Gender discrimination in the workplace is not something unknown and has been a topic of discussion for years now.

It’s time for recruiters to embrace an inclusive hiring approach and create a robust work environment for everyone to thrive. Wondering how?

Let’s find out.

7 Ways How Recruiters Can Stop Gender Bias in the Workplace

Breaking Gender Bias

1. Use Gender-Neutral Language in Job Descriptions

Before you post a job advert on your website or social media, ensure you have a standard set of characteristics required for the position.

Discuss this with your team members and hiring manager and align them with your approach towards inclusive hiring.

Always avoid gender-discriminatory sentences as they decide your chances of top talent.

2. Train Your Recruitment Team Properly

To build a more gender-inclusive workplace, it’s crucial to coach and sensitize everyone responsible for onboarding a candidate using a coaching management software.

It’s sometimes hard to avoid unconscious bias since and as humans, we tend to have a soft spot for people who are similar to us.

To avoid this, encourage team members to take an unconscious bias test to identify areas where they are likely to falter and train on it accordingly.

This proactive approach ensures that everyone involved is actively working towards creating a diverse workplace.

3. Use an Applicant Tracking System

An applicant tracking system can help facilitate diverse recruitment by providing a centralized platform to manage job postings, applications, and candidate data.

It can assist in identifying potential gender bias in the recruitment process, enabling recruiters to make data-driven decisions to ensure a diverse pool of candidates.

You can also employ this technology to enhance your job ads by cross-checking for gender-inclusive language.

4. Avoid Gender-Based Pay, Benefits, and Promotions

Here’s an interesting fact – Nearly 60% of women could earn more if paid the same as men in similar roles.

Discrimination in pay based on gender not only degrades your brand but also increases employee turnover.

Under The Equal Pay Act of 1963, such activities are illegal and can cause trouble for the companies involved.

This is why it’s important for recruiters to avoid such discriminatory practices and offer salaries only based on skills and experience rather than any other criteria.

5. Establish Gender Inclusive Metrics

Inclusive hiring metrics are essential for measuring progress, ensuring accountability, and continuous improvement in your organization’s diversity and inclusion efforts.

You can tailor these metrics to address your business’s specific needs and goals, such as –

  • Achieve 50% female representation in executive roles within the next two years.
  • Hire more female candidates for engineering positions by the next quarter.
  • Increase the percentage of female job applicants by 20% in the next six months.
  • Set a target to have at least 30% female interviewees for every open position.
  • Offer unconscious bias training to all hiring managers and recruiters by the end of the year.
  • Increase female representation in entry-level positions by 25% in the next year.
  • Establish a mentorship program for female employees to help them advance to higher positions within the organization.

By setting measurable goals, you can keep track of the progress.

It’s also essential to continuously review and adjust these metrics to ensure they remain relevant and effective in promoting gender diversity and inclusion within your organization.

6. Collect Feedback from Employees

Collecting employee feedback is crucial to promoting gender diversity in the workplace.

It allows you to understand their experiences and perspectives, identify areas for improvement, and develop solutions to address any concerns.

This feedback can be gathered through various channels, such as surveys, focus groups, or one-on-one meetings or a dedicated employee feedback tool.

In order to encourage open and honest feedback, it’s crucial that these channels are accessible to all employees and that their anonymity and confidentiality are maintained.

7. Provide Flexible Work Options

The provision of flexible work options, such as remote work, can minimize gender bias and allow employees to optimize their productivity from the location and time that is convenient to them.

Flexible work arrangements go beyond parental leave and can include various options that accommodate an employee’s other responsibilities, such as childcare or continuing education.

These family-friendly policies and flexibility promote employee autonomy and consistency, ultimately improving satisfaction and engagement for female employees.

It’s time for companies to take a step forward and implement the necessary measures to ensure their environment is free from discrimination.

By following the seven steps discussed, recruiters can build more gender-inclusive workplaces that not only benefit their employees but also contribute to the success of their business.