Straight from the experts’ desks, we present the top tools and tips that are shaking up the recruitment scene. 

Get ready to equip yourself with practical steps to supercharge your candidate sourcing process. 

1. Harnessing the power of LinkedIn

In the words of Christine Redd, VP of talent & culture at AlertMedia, “LinkedIn is the GOLD standard.”

Our experts unanimously agree that it is the finest platform in the recruitment industry.

Whether it’s for sending strong messages to potential candidates or re-engaging with those who have applied in the past, LinkedIn provides a vast data mine of potential talent. 

Here’s what you should do to optimize your LinkedIn recruiting strategies:

  • Start by developing a captivating persona. A well-rounded profile showcasing your industry expertise, achievements, and unique selling points is vital.
  • Make use of LinkedIn’s sponsored job ads to enhance your job posting visibility and engagement.
  • Share company updates, provide educational content, and offer networking opportunities to keep candidates interested.
  • Leverage the InMail feature when reaching out to potential talents.
  • For screening candidates, employ LinkedIn’s integrated assessment tools, recommendations and endorsements.
  • There is a Apply Starter feature that comes with LinkedIn Recruiter. This feature fills your candidate pipeline by sharing their profile with the job poster before they start their application.

Senior recruiter Derek Unnasch, who uses LinkedIn Recruiter, calls it his ‘number one’ tool, with ‘not even a close second.’

2. Leveraging video platform technology

In an era of remote work and digital communication, video platforms are emerging as a powerful tool.

Aaron Gonsalves (Global Head of Talent Acquisition) loves using video platform technology in combination with LinkedIn.

He believes that creating a video introduction that suits the candidate’s experience is essential as it offers a more personalized approach. 

The key is to read candidate profiles thoroughly and then craft your outreach messages.

Recruiters can express and promote the available job role more elaborately, making it better than generic messages or email templates. This can significantly increase the response rate.

3. Utilizing the power of referrals 

Senior talent acquisition specialist Donna Levan believes that “good people tend to know other good people,” making referrals invaluable. 

She emphasizes the significance of nurturing relationships with successfully placed candidates. Leverage your talent pool’s personal network, as quality individuals often associate with others of similar caliber.

Here are the benefits of implementing referral programs:

Recruitment leader Mina Machacek also highlights the effectiveness of referrals, suggesting that a combination of sourcing methods is the ideal approach.

4. Optimizing your job adverts

Job boards and well-written advertisements are timeless resources, continuously relevant and effective in the job market.

Faye Spruce (Head of internal recruitment) states that, “A well-written advert can potentially find the match for the role you’re looking to fill.”

A concise and compelling job title sets a strong first impression. And a brief framework of your company’s business, culture, and objectives offers potential candidates insight into your organization.

Clearly outline the tasks, responsibilities, and qualifications necessary to help applicants assess their fit for the role.

Providing explicit instructions for submitting applications ensures a smooth process, whether it’s through email or another platform.

5. Making the most of your ATS + CRM

Faye Spruce also highlights the importance of delving back into your applicant tracking system or customer relationship management system.

Here’s why:

  • Simplifies hiring by automating job posting, ensuring all candidates are considered and the job listings get maximum exposure.
  • Offers enhanced communication tools and data-driven insights for better candidate experiences and informed decision-making.
  • The integration of ATS and CRM facilitates seamless management of candidates and clients, fostering better relationships and potentially leading to increased placements.

These software provide essential insights about candidates you’ve spoken to before, their interview performance, and their responsiveness.

By doing this, you will be able to streamline and optimize your ENTIRE hiring process.

6. Opting for out-of-the-box strategies

Donna Levan advocates for a creative and targeted approach when sourcing candidates for harder-to-fill roles.

She suggests engaging with current employees or hiring managers to identify potential platforms prospective candidates may use, such as specific podcasts or social media platforms.

To enhance your recruitment efforts, consider joining open forums or groups on Facebook and LinkedIn or professional communities like SHRM.

In the end, the best sourcing tool or tactic depends on the job you’re recruiting for and the market you’re in. The key is to be practical, personalized, and proactive in your approach.

For more insights from our recruitment experts, watch the full video!