Finding the perfect fit for your clients is genuinely tough. Just looking at resumes and doing interviews might make you miss the mark. 

You’ve to break through the noise and understand candidate behavior to match the right person with the right role. 

In this blog, we’re revealing the secrets to truly understanding applicant psychology and handing you the hacks to establish real genuine connections. 

Get right in. 

What is candidate behavior? 3 reasons why you should understand it

Candidate behavior is how applicants act when they’re looking for a job and applying for it.

This includes how they search for jobs, talk to recruiters, perform in interviews, and interact online. 

Understanding this psyche is key for a few reasons:

  • Better recruitment tactics: Knowing how candidates behave helps you reach out in more effective ways. It means figuring out the best places to find talent, how to talk to them, and what makes a job description attractive to them.
  • Improves candidate experience: When you understand what applicants are looking for, you can make their job searching experience better. This leads to more people applying, happier candidates, and a good reputation for the company.
  • Reduces hiring time: Knowing where candidates look for information, what kind of communication they respond to, and how quickly they move through the application process helps you craft a more efficient hiring strategy.

Also read: Artificial Intelligence in recruitment: How AI helps search firms streamline their hiring process

Top 6 factors to consider while understanding candidate behavior

parameters to understand candidate behavior

Studying a candidate involves looking at some key factors that help create a picture of who they are psychologically and behaviorally.

1. Presentation and impression management

Everyone tries to put their best foot forward during the first meeting. 

Candidates do the same in interviews

They highlight their strengths, downplay their weaknesses, and adjust their behavior, maybe even their personality, to match what they think you’re looking for. 

It’s your job to peel back the layers and see the real person underneath. To save time, you can use a job interview presentation template.

2. Cognitive biases

No one’s immune to bias, not even your applicants. 

Sometimes, these biases don’t affect their work. Other times, they might. 

For example, confirmation bias is when people only pay attention to information that backs up what they already believe. 

The key is to figure out if a candidate’s biases are likely to interfere with their work or the team dynamics. 

If they won’t, then these biases shouldn’t automatically disqualify them from being considered for the position.

3. Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence deals with understanding your own emotions and those of the people around you. 

It plays a significant role in all professional interactions. 

A candidate with a higher emotional intelligence tends to be more inclusive, team-oriented and knows how to deal with stressful situations. 

4. Stress management

Stress management is one of the most important psychological parameters for understanding candidate behavior. 

How an applicant manages tension can tell you a lot about how they’ll handle the pressures of the role. 

Good stress management means better decision-making, communication, and overall effectiveness.

5. Motivation levels

Motivation strongly predicts performance. 

When someone is highly motivated, they’re more likely to tackle tough problems head-on and keep pushing forward, even when things get tricky. 

Understanding what drives a candidate’s goals can help you get a clearer picture of whether they’ll fit well with the job you’re offering. 

6. Personality

Some outward traits like communication style, social interaction, and body language determine the overall personality of a candidate

These reveal insights like agreeableness, whether they are extroverted or introverted, openness to new experiences, conscientiousness, and neurotic inclinations. 

Such traits are very helpful in gauging the efficacy of a candidate in a certain role. 

Also read: Take our quizzes and find out your recruiter personality!

6 quick tips to connect better with candidates

Here are some practical tips to help you relate better to the people you’re looking to bring into your client company:

1. Reflect your company’s values

Start by embodying your company’s values in every interaction. This authenticity shows candidates what it’s really like to be part of your team and encourages them to open up.

2. Utilize social media

Leverage social media to show the human side of your company. Engaging content not only attracts candidates but also encourages them to be genuine in their responses.

3. Create attractive employer profiles

A well-crafted employer profile helps control the narrative about your company. It’s a powerful tool for attracting potential employees who share your values and vision.

4. Assess strengths and weaknesses holistically

Use the insights from candidate behavior to identify their strengths and areas for improvement. This deeper understanding helps in evaluating their fit for the role and the team.

5. Consider cultural fit and team dynamics

Ensuring a new hire fits well with your client’s culture and dynamics is crucial for seamless integration. It’s about more than just skills; it’s about how they’ll contribute to the team’s overall harmony.

6. Enhance the candidate experience

Finally, make the recruitment process memorable through personalized communication, timely updates, and thoughtful gestures. A positive candidate experience can set the tone for their entire journey with your company.

You might also like: 8 free templates for candidate experience surveys that give you the right insights

To truly stand out in recruitment, you can’t overlook the basics: robust recruitment software like Recruit CRM and a solid internet connection are crucial for accessing cloud-based databases and communication tools.

A reliable provider, such as Cox Internet, ensures you stay connected with candidates and clients without a hitch, making your recruitment process smooth and efficient.

But that’s just one piece of the puzzle. The real magic happens when you mix in your people skills. Chatting, networking, connecting, and making those powerful human connections.

Plus, with a few smart candidate psychological tricks up your sleeve, you’ll not only find them but know how to bring them on board.

Author’s bio:

Jason Smith is a freelance content marketer with all-around knowledge in IT, Digital Marketing, Corporate Strategies, Organizational Behaviors, and the Telecom sector.