As a recruiter, you’re tasked with an important mission: to build a workforce as diverse as the world we live in. But with this great responsibility come great challenges, especially in the absence of the right resources and tools.

In this blog post, we’re going to reveal six game-changing diversity recruiting tools that will elevate your hiring process. With these tools in your toolkit, the daunting task of recruiting diverse talent becomes an exciting journey toward a more inclusive and dynamic workplace.

Dive right in!

What are diversity recruiting tools?

Diversity recruiting tools are a range of software applications and platforms that assist in hiring with a specific focus on promoting diversity and inclusivity. 

These tools leverage technologies such as artificial intelligence, data analytics, and targeted advertising to attract, assess, and hire candidates from diverse backgrounds. 

Their ultimate goal is to help organizations build a diverse and high-performing team by eliminating biases, expanding candidate pools, and streamlining recruitment processes.

5 major types of diversity recruiting tools

types of diversity recruiting tools


1. AI-powered resume screening

AI-powered resume screening tools analyze candidate resumes and extract relevant information such as skills, qualifications, and experience. 

By using natural language processing and machine learning algorithms, these tools not only save you time but also eliminate unconscious biases that may affect your hiring decisions. 

Further, it analyzes based on objective parameters rather than subjective views, making the results even more reliable.

2. Diversity-focused job posting platforms

Traditional job boards often lack the diversity-focused features that can attract a wide range of candidates. Investing in job posting platforms that prioritize diversity can significantly increase the pool of qualified applicants. 

These platforms go beyond the basic job description by providing insights and tips on inclusive hiring practices. They also leverage targeted advertising to reach underrepresented talent pools. 

So, you’ll not only broaden your candidate pool but also demonstrate your commitment to diversity.

3. Video interviewing tools

In today’s digital age, conducting in-person interviews can be challenging, especially when dealing with geographically dispersed candidates. 

So, video interviewing tools can help you enable recruiters to conduct virtual interviews with ease, solving this problem head-on. 

But that’s not all; they also provide features like automated transcription (e.g., Google Meet transcription) and analysis of facial expressions – saving time and reducing travel costs.

4. Text analysis software

Text analysis software can play a crucial role in identifying biased language and content in job descriptions, company policies, and other recruitment materials. 

These diversity recruiting tools use natural language processing to flag potentially biased phrases and suggest alternative, inclusive wording. 

By ensuring your communication is inclusive from the start, you can attract a diverse range of candidates and create a welcoming environment.

5. Language translation tools

Language should never be a barrier to inclusivity. Language translation tools can bridge the gap by providing real-time translation services during interviews and communication with candidates who speak different languages. 

You can also use similar diversity recruiting tools to translate your job posts to enhance their exposure to your desired target audience.

This ensures that language proficiency does not become a hindrance to accessing opportunities and allows you to tap into a more diverse talent pool.

Read more: 

5 diversity recruiting tools you need to invest in

6 diversity recruiting tools

1. Recruit CRM

Recruit CRM’s newly introduced AI-powered resume parser is a powerful tool designed to streamline your recruitment process and boost your diversity hiring efforts.

It efficiently parses resumes in multiple languages, fills in empty candidate profile fields, and extracts crucial information like work and education history. 

This feature also allows you to tap into a wider, more diverse talent pool, ensuring no potential candidate is overlooked due to language barriers or incomplete information.

Book a free demo today to learn more about its exciting features.

2. Textio

This tool leverages data from over 300 million job posts to analyze each job advertisement you create.

Based on the text and tone, it provides a score indicating how inclusive your ad is. 

With this language performance data, you can receive guidance on how to modify a job post to include words that untapped groups are more likely to respond to while avoiding language that might signal potential bias. 

3. Jopwell

This platform provides professionals from diverse communities with resources to advance their careers. 

As a recruiter, partnering with Jopwell can help you engage these talent communities and build brand awareness as an organization that values diversity and inclusion.

4. Toggl Hire

Even with the best intentions, unconscious bias can still have a negative impact on diversity recruitment. 

Toggl Hire is a blind screening diversity recruiting tool that addresses this issue by evaluating candidates based on job-related skills before you review resumes and cover letters. 

The program administers a short quiz to potential hires designed to test candidates’ skills and create a shortlist of individuals for the next step of the hiring process.

5. Untapped

Untapped is a diversity recruiting platform that assists talent acquisition teams in making effective hires at all levels.

It offers robust filtering of 75+ self-reported candidate data points, inclusive sourcing from a shared talent pool, and full pipeline analytics. 

This helps you integrate diversity into your team’s everyday thinking.

Best practices for implementing diversity recruiting tools

  • Set clear diversity goals

Clearly define your diversity goals and communicate them to your hiring team. Establish specific diversity metrics and targets to measure progress and hold your team accountable.

  • Train the hiring team

Provide comprehensive training to your hiring teams on unconscious bias, diversity best practices, and how to effectively utilize diversity recruiting tools. 

This will ensure the tools are used appropriately and aligned with your organization’s goals.

  • Customize tools to your needs

Tailor the diversity recruiting tools to align with your organization’s unique needs and requirements. 

Customize features such as language filters, job description analysis, or candidate evaluation criteria to ensure they promote inclusivity and align with your diversity goals.

  • Leverage data analytics

Utilize the data analytics capabilities of the tools to measure the impact of your diversity initiatives. 

Regularly analyze the data to identify any patterns, biases, or areas that need improvement, and adjust your strategies accordingly.

  • Foster collaboration

Encourage collaboration and input from diverse stakeholders, including employee resource groups, to ensure the tools address the specific needs and challenges faced by underrepresented groups.

Diversity and inclusion are not just buzzwords but key drivers of success in today’s business landscape. 

Investing in these tools demonstrates your commitment to building a diverse and inclusive workforce, leading to increased innovation, improved performance, and a strong employer brand. 

Remember, diversity is not just about counting heads; it’s about making heads count!

By the way, if you are looking for an AI-powered ATS + CRM platform, then don’t forget to check out Recruit CRM. You can book a demo with us to see the tool in action.

Frequently asked questions

1. How do diversity recruiting tools help eliminate bias in the hiring process?

Diversity recruiting tools use AI and anonymization techniques to focus on qualifications and skills, removing unconscious biases for a fair and inclusive hiring process.

2. Can diversity recruiting tools effectively attract diverse candidates?

These tools expand the candidate pool through targeted advertising, social media outreach, and employee referrals, making job opportunities more visible and accessible to diverse candidates.

3. How can organizations measure the impact of diversity recruiting tools?

Organizations can analyze data from these tools to assess the demographics of applicants, selectees, and hires, evaluate the effectiveness of their diversity recruitment efforts and track diversity-related metrics.