A busy hiring season typically kicks off during the new year in January-April and then again in September-October, just before the holidays.

While you may feel overwhelmed with the number of open positions, clients, and candidates to handle during this time, applying these pro tips will help you reap maximum benefits!

1. Develop a strong recruiting strategy

peak hiring season plan

Developing a proactive approach for the peak hiring season is crucial as it helps alleviate stress and organize the recruiting process.

You must strategize ways to promote open positions, the criteria required for candidate screening, and what the interview process will look like.

Work on building a  diverse talent pipeline, a streamlined onboarding process, automated workflows, and use top-notch technology to automate repetitive manual tasks.

2. Keep networking

Conferences, virtual events, or simple coffee meet-ups do not leave any opportunity to connect with other experts and potential candidates. 

Utilize social media to expand you reach. You can connect with a wider audience by monitoring conversations, sending direct messages, LinkedIn Automation, and engaging in public forums.

Another practical tip for networking is to ensure that you have a relevant candidate database to reach out to.

Remember that candidates might come and go, but networking is like a lifetime investment for your recruitment agency.

3. Review your candidate pool

In the process of finding and attracting great candidates, recruiters often forget about their previous pool of applicants from the past.

Keeping track of your talent pool saves a massive amount of time and costs as candidates from an existing database are a recruiting firm’s top source for potential new hires.

If your database is stocked with accurate information about high-quality candidates, you’ll be in a much better position to make more hires efficiently in far less time.

Using an Applicant Tracking System or a Candidate Relationship Management tool is a great way to keep track of your existing candidate pipeline.

hiring season

4. Optimize job descriptions

To plan effectively for the busier months, ensure that your job descriptions are well-crafted and relevant.

Curating an accurate job posting is often overlooked, but the job description is what affects the quality of applicants who are interested in a particular position.

The top 5 details job seekers want employers to provide as they research where to work are—

  • Details on compensation packages
  • Details on benefits packages
  • Basic company information
  • Details on what makes the company an attractive place to work
  • Company mission, vision, and values

Ensure your job advertisements are realistic, straightforward, and informative. It’s also essential to include inclusive terms and pronouns to attract a more extensive and diverse pool of applicants.

5. Be organized

Staying organized is crucial if you want to climb the ladder to success. And this can be best achieved with the right combo of checklists, automated software, and productivity tools.

Here are a few things that would help: 

  • Curate ready-to-use templates for job descriptions, applications, letters, and emails
  • Designate a particular time for different tasks, and monitor the time spent on each task using time tracking software.
  • Create and follow checklists
  • Prioritize your workload, and don’t rush!

It’s time to make the upcoming months less overwhelming by implementing the tried and tested tips stated above.

All the best!