December is usually slow for the recruitment industry owing to Christmas and New Year’s. But does this mean your hiring needs to pause? Not necessarily.

Consider this time to be a GOLDEN opportunity!

Why? Because this period is usually when most candidates chalk out their plans for the next year, are in search of jobs, or looking to switch jobs in search of better opportunities. 

It’s also one such month when your competition slows down extensively.

So buckle up as we uncover some actionable tips to help you hire better this holiday season.

5 best ways to supercharge your recruiting strategy in December

1. Utilize the free time in hand to interview job prospects

A lot of passive candidates typically make use of their lenient work days in December, and as a result, they are usually available for job interviews.

Especially with all the major firms and companies shutting down for the holidays, this is the perfect time when they reflect on their life and work choices.

Use this time to tap into the pool of candidates and schedule interviews with them. 

Who knows, but you might just strike a goal during this period!

2. Kickstart an employee referral program

The employees you have hired will likely be active on social media during the holiday season.

You must grab this great opportunity to motivate them to find top-quality referrals and send them your way.

Encourage them to send season’s greetings to exceptional job prospects and use extensive communication strategies to further strengthen the relationship.

But don’t forget that the referral program you set up in place should be truly rewarding for the employees in the first place.

3. Use the minimal recruiting competition to your advantage

There is evidently minimal pressure from hiring managers during this period, and your competitor firms too limit their planning.

Most recruitment agencies remain less active as decorations fly off the shelves, and the Christmas wind kicks in.

But you can use this chance to ramp up your talent pipeline for jobs sitting with you or are likely to open in January.  

You won’t encounter severe competition from other hiring firms who otherwise might be contending with you or poaching your highly skilled candidates.

4. Build a candidate pool of freshers

Up to a third of college students graduate at the end of the fall semester. And, there are only a handful of recruitment firms that specifically target these freshers.

With the Holiday break in place, students have quite some free time, and who knows, they might be looking out for newer opportunities to be added to their CVs.

So take advantage of the time and build a candidate pool full of fresh college graduates. 

5. Bring social media platforms into play

Social media usage is at an all-time high during Christmas and New Year’s!

Starting from posting pictures on Instagram to calling our friends and family, and the increased texting, you can use this to your advantage and reach out to qualified candidates.

Mobile platforms are truly a massive recruiting tool! Ensure your December recruitment strategy revolves around the usage of social media and making the most out of sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram for both brand building and candidate outreach.

Hope these tips will help you make use of your free time to re-evaluate your hiring process and begin your holiday recruiting campaign!