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recruitment communities

Step up your game with these 15 must-join recruitment communities 

a list of top recruitment communities

1. Recruitment Agencies

With a growing community of more than 2000 members, it’s a space on Reddit for recruiters and TA experts to share their knowledge regarding the latest trends in recruiting, recruitment entrepreneurship, and other hiring challenges.

It’s not just about trends, the moderator asks quirky and relatable recruiter questions like interview red flags in candidates and some traits of worst hires to keep the conversations going. 

Join this subreddit right away to add a little humor to your working hours. 

reddit question on hiring communities

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2. Global Recruiters’ Guild

Global Recruiter’s Guild is a vibrant and progressive online community on Facebook, designed specifically for recruiters who are keen on innovating and advancing in the talent acquisition field. 

Ideal members for the group- 

  • Recruiters who are forward-thinking and open to exploring new methods in talent acquisition.
  • Individuals who value community learning and are willing to share their expertise and experiences.
  • Professionals looking to stay ahead of the curve in recruitment trends and practices.

The group encourages its members to share insights and knowledge on recruitment, making it a great place for learning from peers and staying updated.

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 3. Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)

SHRM is the world’s largest and most popular HR professional society, aiming to create better workplaces where employers and employees thrive together. 

Key offerings:

  • Certification programs: SHRM offers widely recognized certifications, such as SHRM-CP (Certified Professional) and SHRM-SCP (Senior Certified Professional). These recruiter certifications are highly valued in your field and can boost your career.
  • Advocacy: SHRM actively works on policy advocacy, providing a voice on critical HR-related legal and regulatory issues that impact the workplace.
  • Networking opportunities: Membership offers access to a vast network of HR professionals, which can be beneficial for sharing knowledge, finding mentors, and career advancement.

For recruiters, joining this society is a step towards enhancing their expertise and staying connected with the latest in the staffing and people management space. 

Don’t miss out: Top 7 LinkedIn recruiter certification courses to supercharge your skills

4. American Staffing Association (ASA)

Imagine a hub where all the best minds in staffing come together. 

That’s exactly the American Staffing Association for you. 

Some of the key features of ASA are: 

  • Industry advocacy: ASA is known for its strong advocacy efforts, representing the staffing industry’s interests at both state and federal levels.
  • Educational opportunities: Like SHRM, they offer certification programs like the Certified Staffing Professional (CSP) and Technical Services Certified (TSC), which are essential for professional development in the staffing field.
  • Networking and events: The community organizes events such as the ASA Staffing World Conference, providing valuable networking opportunities and insights into industry trends.

5. The Recruitment Society

This unique society stands out as the only professional membership body in the UK that encompasses the entire spectrum of resourcing professionals. 

What sets this community apart is its inclusive approach. It’s a welcoming space where individuals and corporate members alike can engage, regardless of their specific role in recruitment. This inclusivity fosters a rich and diverse community.

The society also has a special LinkedIn forum where the latest recruitment discussions take place. 

It operates on a collaborative model. This means it transcends traditional boundaries and works alongside other trade and professional associations rather than in competition. 

For professionals in the UK looking to stay connected with the pulse of recruitment, The Recruitment Society is an invaluable resource. It offers a unique platform to learn, share, and collaborate on best practices and innovations in the field.

6. Talent Ops Community

Good Time’s Talent Ops Community is a gathering place for professionals in talent operations. It’s a straightforward, no-frills community where people who are passionate about managing and optimizing talent come together.

Here’s what you’ll find in the community:

  • Real talk on talent operations: This community is all about sharing practical insights and strategies. It’s a place where you can learn from others’ experiences and share your own.
  • Networking: Connect with fellow talent operations professionals. Whether you’re looking for advice, feedback, or just a chat about industry trends, this is where you can find it.
  • Stay updated: The community keeps you in the loop with the latest recruiting trends. It’s a resource for staying current and knowledgeable in your field.

This community is a no-nonsense, supportive environment where you can grow your network and your knowledge.

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7. The Recruitment Network 

The Recruitment Network is strictly focused on empowering recruitment leaders. They provide tools, advice, guidance, and training to maximize the performance, productivity, and profitability of recruitment businesses.

It’s ideal for leaders in the recruitment industry. If you’re heading a recruitment agency or are in a leadership role, this network offers resources that can help you excel and grow your business.

Members receive an exclusive comprehensive support package. This includes tailored training to enhance business skills, expert advice for tackling industry challenges, and guidance to boost both productivity and profitability.

Joining this society means getting access to a wealth of resources specifically designed for recruitment business growth.

Also read: 8+ Slack communities recruiters need to be a part of

8. Secret HR Society

The Secret HR Society is a platform that caters to HR professionals seeking a more exclusive and intimate community. It’s a place where HR’s best-kept secrets are shared among peers.

Key aspects:

  • Exclusive community: This society is about creating a close-knit environment where HR professionals can share, learn, and grow together.
  • Focus on innovation: Members are often at the forefront of HR innovation, discussing new trends, strategies, and tools that are shaping the future of human resources.
  • Professional development: The society provides opportunities for personal and professional growth through shared resources, discussions, and networking.

Join this society to keep up with the latest HR trends and practices that can help you excel in your role.

9. Purple Squirrel Society

As the name suggests, this society is inspired by a recruitment buzzword. A ‘purple squirrel‘ is that almost mythical candidate who perfectly fits a job’s requirements.

It is where recruiters who chase these rare finds come together.

Here, the focus is on the extraordinary aspect of recruitment – finding that ‘once in a blue moon’ candidate who is the perfect fit for a challenging role.

The society is a hub of innovative ideas, where unconventional methods and success stories are shared and celebrated.

Members gain access to a wealth of knowledge on advanced sourcing techniques and strategies for attracting niche talent.

For those interested in joining, the Purple Squirrel Society offers a unique opportunity to be part of a community that values precision and excellence in recruitment.

Also read: How to change your recruiting strategy to hire more purple squirrels?

10. Recruiting

With over 70,000 members, this subreddit is like a friendly and popular meetup place for recruiters. 

Whether you’re new or have been in the field for years, you’ll find great tips and discussions here. 

Community dynamics:

  • Diverse discussions: The subreddit features a wide range of topics, from sourcing strategies and interview techniques to industry trends and recruitment technology.
  • Peer support: Members often turn to r/recruiting for advice, sharing challenges, and seeking solutions from their peers in the industry.
  • Resource sharing: It’s common to find posts sharing useful resources, such as articles, tools, and webinars, that can help recruiters in their day-to-day work.

Participation in r/recruiting is open to anyone with a Reddit account. You can join the subreddit, contribute to discussions, ask questions, or simply browse through the posts to gain insights.

11. Human Resources

This subreddit is literally your handy HR expert in every way. 

It’s a place where you can ask those tricky recruitment-related questions and get answers from experienced professionals. 

The community thrives on the diversity of its members, ranging from newcomers seeking career advice to veteran managers looking for fresh perspectives. This mix ensures a wide array of viewpoints and solutions.

Engaging with the community can enhance your recruiting skills and knowledge, keeping you informed and adaptable in a rapidly evolving field.

12. Recruiting Stories

Everyone loves a good story, and this hiring community is full of them. 

Here, recruiters share their real-life experiences – the good, the bad, and everything in between. 

Beyond entertainment, these stories serve as learning opportunities. They offer insights into handling difficult situations, celebrating successes, and everything in between. 

It’s a way to learn from the experiences of others without having to go through them yourself.

Recruiting Stories is a great subreddit to find solidarity, get some perspective, and sometimes just enjoy a good chuckle at the quirks of your profession.

13. Hiring

Focused solely on the hiring process, r/hiring is a practical, hands-on recruiter community.

Whether you’re looking for advice on crafting the perfect job ad or strategies for efficient candidate screening, this subreddit is a valuable resource. 

Unlike broader HR or recruitment communities, r/hiring zeroes in on the hiring process. This focus ensures that discussions are highly relevant and valuable to those looking to improve their hiring practices.

With members from various industries and backgrounds, this community offers a wide range of perspectives. This diversity enriches the community, providing a comprehensive view of hiring practices across different sectors.

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14. The Female Recruiter

The Female Recruiter is ideal for women at any stage of their recruiting career – whether they are just starting, looking to grow their network, or seeking to share their wealth of experience with others. 

It’s also a great place for those who are passionate about issues like gender diversity in the workplace and want to be part of a community that champions these causes.

What makes it special?

  • Networking opportunities: Members have the chance to network with a diverse group of female recruiters from various sectors and levels of experience. This networking can lead to mentorship opportunities, collaborations, and even job opportunities.
  • Resource sharing: The group is a rich resource for sharing industry knowledge, best practices, and the latest trends in recruiting. 

15. Secret Sourcing Group

This is a Facebook community offering a platform to exchange knowledge and discover innovative recruiting methods. 

The group warmly invites recruiters, talent acquisition specialists, hiring managers, and HR experts to join and contribute to this learning-focused environment.

From the latest in social media sourcing to AI-driven recruitment tools, the group is a goldmine for information on how to attract top talent in creative ways.

Remember, your experiences and insights can help others. Joining the Secret Sourcing Group gives you the chance to give back to the recruitment community by sharing your successes and learning moments.

CTA: Don’t miss out on these 10+ LinkedIn groups for recruiters!

We’ve listed down the most popular and growing online communities for recruiters. Dive in, contribute, and watch as your skills—and your network—flourish.

Frequently asked questions

1. Are there different types of recruitment communities?

Yes, there are various types of recruitment communities catering to different industries or job functions. 

Whether you’re new to the recruitment world or an experienced recruiter, there are societies that exclusively suit you. 

Some focus on specific sectors like IT or healthcare, while others may be more general for all types of recruiters. It’s important to find a community that aligns with your interests and professional goals.

2. Can I promote my services or job openings in these communities?

Each community may have its own guidelines regarding self-promotion. It’s important to respect these guidelines and focus on providing value before promoting yourself or your services.

Building relationships with other members first will increase the chances of receiving positive responses when you do share job openings or services later on.

3. Why should I join recruitment communities?

Joining recruitment communities allows you to expand your professional network, gain insights from industry experts, exchange best practices, and stay updated on the latest trends in the field. 

It’s a great way to learn from others and enhance your recruiting skills.