You’re wasting time on recruitment marketing if you’re not using these strategies


Mastering text recruiting: 20 FREE ready-to-use templates + rules to follow

Learn how to leverage text messages to reel in top-tier talents!

Banks text payment reminders. Restaurants text when the table is ready. Traveling agencies send new deals and booking confirmations. What about recruiters?

Do you use SMS or text messages to instantly capture your candidate’s attention? If not, you’re missing out on a big deal. 

Why? Because your prospective candidates are being bombarded with countless emails, DMs, and app notifications every day and the only way to cut through this noise is sending them a well-crafted text message.

SMS marketing statistics

With a staggering open rate of 98%, these messages outshine traditional emails, which see a modest 28% to 33% opening rate at the campaign’s outset.

Interesting, right? That’s why we say you MUST explore text recruiting if you aren’t already. 

Still not sure?

Now, the question is where to begin? In this article, we’ve curated twenty text recruiting templates to use across different scenarios. Plus we listed down some rules you must follow for successful text communication.

Follow along!

20 text recruiting templates you can use for FREE!

Here are twenty FREE customizable text recruiting templates you can copy+paste right away. (Success guaranteed!)

1. Job offer announcement (cold outreach)

Get the word out to your prospective candidates about the new vacancy in your client’s company:

Hey [candidate’s name], 

How’s it going? I’m [your name], a recruiter for [your client’s company]. Saw your profile and thought you’d be a great fit for the [job title] role. Your qualifications and experience look spot-on! Interested? I can share the job description right away! Let me know!

Type ‘STOP’ to opt-out!

If the candidate replies positively, thank them for showing interest and attach the job description.

If it’s the other way around, thank them and ask if they recommend someone. 

2. Invite potential candidates to your hiring event

Invite your candidates to your booth at a career fair or stop by any hiring event you’ll be attending or hosting:

Hi [candidate name],

It’s [your name] from [company’s name]! I noticed you’ve RSVP’d for the upcoming career fair at [location] on [date]. Guess what? We’ll be there too. Looking forward to meeting you in person and discussing how your incredible job profile aligns perfectly with our [open position]. Make sure you swing by the booth [booth number]. See you there!

Type ‘STOP’ to opt-out.

3. Hiring event follow-up

Follow up with all the candidates you met and talked with at the hiring event to encourage the next step:

Hey [candidate name]! 

[Your name] here from [your company]. It was a pleasure meeting you at [hiring event name]. Thanks for stopping by our booth and showing interest in joining our team. Your job profile was absolutely spot on, and we believe you have what it takes to excel in our [open position]. Let’s schedule a quick call to discuss it further. You can select a time that works for you here: [calendar link]. 

4. Job application received confirmation

Confirm with the candidate that you’ve successfully received their application for a particular role:

Hi [candidate’s name]! 

This is [your name] from [company name]. Thank you for applying for the [job title] position with us. We have successfully received your application and full resume. We will contact you within the next few days to discuss the next steps. In the meantime, if you have any questions, feel free to ask here.

5. Conduct a pre-screen interview via SMS

Use SMS to conduct a quick pre-screen interview with prospective candidates:

Hey [candidate’s name]! 

It’s [your name] from [your client’s company]. Thanks for applying to our [job title] role. Your application caught our attention, and now we’d like to know you better. As the first step in our recruiting process, we’d love to ask you a few quick questions via text. You can answer them whenever you have time in the next day or two. Are you ready?

Type ‘STOP’ to opt-out.

Once the candidate responds, you can send them the questions. 

6. Assign a skill test

Candidates must be assessed in depth if a job role requires a particular skill like coding or content writing. You use this template to assign a skill test to such talents:

Hi [candidate name]! 

This is [your name] from [company name]. Thanks for applying to our [job title] role. Your application caught our attention, and we’d like to further evaluate your [skill name] skills. For the next step, we’ve got a short assignment for you, which you can submit by [deadline]. Best of luck! We look forward to reviewing your test. 

Type ‘STOP’ to opt-out.

Attach the assignment at the end of the text. 

7. Assignment submission reminder

Remind your candidates about the assignment they need to submit for an upcoming interview:

Hey [candidate name]! 

Just a friendly reminder about the upcoming interview – we’re excited to review the [project/assignment] we assigned you in the last message. Mind that this assignment is an essential part of the evaluation process, and we hope you meet the deadline. If you have any questions, feel free to text us.

8. Ask for the candidate’s availability

Ask when can the shortlisted candidate attend the video interview:

Hi [candidate name]! 

This is [your name] from [company name]. Congratulations on being shortlisted for the [job title] position! We’re thrilled to move forward with your application. To proceed with the interview process, we’d like to know your availability. It would take only 30 minutes. Please click on the following link to access our calendar and schedule a time that works best for you: [Calendar Link]

Type ‘STOP’ to opt-out.

Tip: Always give your candidate the option to self-schedule! You can do so easily via a good hiring platform

9. In-person interview invitation

Hosting an in-person interview? Use this template to invite your candidates:

Hello [candidate name]. 

This is [your name] from [company name.] We’d like to invite you for an in-person interview at our office in [location]. Would [date] and [time] work for you? If not, let us know here. We will try our best to accommodate your schedule.

Type ‘STOP’ to opt-out.

10. Interview confirmation

Ask candidates to confirm an upcoming interview (especially when they have self-scheduled it):

Hi [candidate name]!

Your upcoming interview with [interviewer name] is scheduled for [date] at [time]. Are you all set for it? Kindly reply with a quick ‘C’ to confirm. Thank you!

Type ‘STOP’ to opt-out.

11. Scheduled interview reminder

Send a quick reminder to candidates for an upcoming interview:

Hi [candidate name]!

Just a friendly reminder that your interview with [interviewer name] is scheduled for tomorrow at [time]. It will be a 30-minute interview over [Zoom or other conferencing platform].

We’re excited to see you soon. 

12. Reschedule an interview

Send your candidate a text to quickly reschedule an interview:

Hi [candidate name],

This is [your name] from [company name]. I hope you’re doing well. Unfortunately, I need to reschedule our interview on [date]. Would you be available on [date 1], [date 2], or [date 3] instead? Thank you for understanding. 

Type ‘STOP’ to opt-out.

13. Follow-up after interview

Send your candidate a follow-up message right after the interview:

Hi [candidate name]!

Thank you for taking the time to interview for the [job title] position at [company name]. It was a pleasure getting to know you better. We are currently in the final stages of our decision-making process and expect to conclude soon. In the meantime, feel free to text us if you have any questions or would like to provide additional information.

14. Extend a job offer

Once you’ve shortlisted an ideal candidate, alert them that they’ve got the job:

Congratulations, [Candidate Name]!

We’re thrilled to offer you the [job title] position at [company name]. We believe you’ll make a valuable addition to our team. The detailed offer letter is on its way to your email. Kindly let us know your decision by [deadline date].

– [your name].

15. Text template for onboarding

Start the onboarding process via text messages, especially if you want the shortlisted candidate to fill out the paperwork:

Hi [candidate name].

Congratulations once again on your job offer. To kickstart the onboarding process, we’ll be sending you a few emails with important requirements, paperwork, and your first-day schedule. Please keep an eye on your inbox for those. If you have questions or need assistance during the onboarding process, don’t hesitate to text us.

– [your name]

16. Ask the candidate to take a survey

If the candidate accepts your job offer, ask them to take a quick survey:

Hi [hiree],

It’s [your name] from [company name]. Congratulations once again on your job offer! We’re thrilled to have you on board. As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, we would greatly appreciate your feedback on our interview process. Would you be willing to take a quick survey? Let me know if you’re available, and I’ll send you the survey right away.

17. Ask the candidate to leave a review

Ask your hiree to leave a review about the hiring process on Glassdoor or your client’s career site:

Hi [hiree]!

Congratulations once again on securing the job offer! Would you be willing to leave a review about your recruiting experience with [company name]? Your input is invaluable and can help us improve our process to support future candidates better.

– [your name]

18. Rejection text message

Let the candidates know they didn’t make it to the next stage of hiring: (Well, without burning the bridge!)

Hi [candidate name],

This is [your name] from [company name]. Thank you for your time and effort in meeting with our team regarding the [job title] role. While we were impressed with your skills and experience, we have decided to move forward with a different candidate. Please know that your candidacy was seriously considered, and we genuinely appreciate your interest in joining our team. As new job opportunities arise, I’ll be sure to contact you again.

Thank you!

19. Re-engage with past applicant

Reconnect with applicants from previous hiring cycles if you have got a new job opening at your company that fits their profile:

Hi [candidate name],

It’s [your name] from [company name]. I hope you’re doing well! I am reaching out because we have a new role that I think you’d be a perfect fit for. Would you be available for a call on [date] to discuss this opportunity further? Let me know!

Type ‘STOP’ to opt-out.

20. Ask for referrals

Encourage your staff to refer a new candidate:

Hey team!

We’re on the lookout for a talented [job title], and who knows better than you to refer the best candidates? If you have any friends or family who would be a great fit for this role, we’d love to hear from you. Thanks!

– [your name]

Text recruiting rules you MUST follow

SMS recruiting statistics

Here are five rules recruiters must follow to yield the maximum result off their text recruiting campaign:

Rule no. 1: Get consent to text your candidates

Two crucial texting rules that should always stay at the top of every recruiter’s mind are The Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (TCPA) and The Campaign Registry.

These laws require you to obtain a candidate’s permission before initiating any kind of communication.

You can obtain this consent through a check-box in the application form, or sometimes even a simple opt-in message works wonders. 

Once you’ve obtained permission, you must also provide them an easy way to opt out of receiving further messages. 

If they decide to end the conversation and send you words like “STOP” or “UNSUBSCRIBE,” you ought not to send them any other message.

Tip: Use text recruiting software to update your subscribing list automatically. 

Rule no. 2: Keep it short and to-the-point

SMS messages have character limits and they are meant to be quick reads. So, ALWAYS keep it short, simple, and to the point. 

Include only the important information. Remember that irrelevant or lengthy texts may overwhelm candidates, leading to disinterest and withdrawal from the hiring process.

That’s not what you want, right?

Rule no. 3: Personalize and respect the timing

Emails vs Text

Remember that texting is a personal communication channel. There is a real person at the receiving end. 

And that person does not want to see random texts from random recruiters at random times. (Not at all!)

So, ensure you don’t shoot off your texts without adding a personal touch to them. At least, include the candidate’s first name. 

Also, never send messages at inappropriate hours, such as early mornings, late evenings, or weekends. It will only annoy candidates and damage the employer’s reputation. (Business hours are there for a purpose. Use them!) 

Rule no. 4: Avoid sensitive information

Text messages are not the appropriate medium for discussing sensitive matters, such as salary negotiations or contract details. 

So, make sure you must direct candidates to more secure channels, such as email or phone calls, for confidential discussions. Always strive to protect your talents’ privacy and maintain professionalism.

Rule no. 5: Include a clear call-to-action

Each text message should include a clear and specific call-to-action (CTA). 

Whether it’s inviting candidates to schedule an interview, complete an assessment, or provide additional information, a CTA guides candidates on the next steps and keeps the recruitment process moving smoothly.

So, don’t forget it, no matter what!

Rule no. 6: Proofread

Typos and errors in text messages can be detrimental to your and your client’s image. 

So, carefully proofread each text before hitting on a ‘send’ button to ensure professionalism and avoid miscommunications.

Rule no. 7: Use automation wisely

Benefits of SMS automation

Automation tools can enhance your text recruiting efficiency, but it is your responsibility to strike a balance between automation and personalization. 

Remember: While automated messages can handle initial responses, human involvement is crucial for building meaningful connections with candidates.

That was all! Do you follow these rules? Make sure you do. 

Frequently asked questions

1. What is text recruiting?

Text recruiting is a communication method where recruiters use text messages to interact with candidates during the hiring process, offering quick updates, reminders, and personalized engagement.

2. How does text recruiting differ from traditional recruiting methods? 

Text recruiting uses SMS to advertise job positions, communicate with applicants, and maintain contact throughout the hiring process. It offers quicker and more direct communication with candidates than traditional methods like email or phone calls.

3. What are the benefits of text recruiting over other communication channels?

Text recruiting boasts higher open rates, with SMS messages being read within minutes. It offers a more immediate and convenient way to engage candidates, particularly younger job applicants who rely on texting as a preferred communication method.

4. How can I create a positive candidate experience through text recruiting? 

Keep texts concise, friendly, and professional. Personalize messages whenever possible and ensure clear opt-out options. Provide timely responses to candidates’ inquiries and demonstrate transparency throughout recruitment.

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