Recruiting is no easy feat.

With so many different components to consider, such as sourcing, screening, interviewing, onboarding, and more, it can be overwhelming to know where exactly to start when it comes to full cycle recruiting.

To help you battle this, we’ve curated a comprehensive guide that will provide you with the best full cycle recruiting strategies and hacks to streamline your talent acquisition process.

So sit tight and read on.

What is full cycle recruiting?

Full cycle recruiting is a term used to describe the end-to-end recruitment process – from the moment a job requisition is opened to the moment an ideal candidate is given their offer letter and finally taken onboard. 

It involves managing the recruitment process from start to finish, including posting job listings, sourcing the best talent, reviewing resumes, conducting initial phone or face-to-face video screenings, arranging and conducting interviews, checking references and conducting background checks, negotiating job offers, and onboarding processes for new hires.

The goal of a full cycle recruiting process is to attract and hire top talent while also ensuring that the hiring process is efficient, effective, and equitable.

9 major steps in full cycle recruiting

steps in full cycle recruiting

1. Identify the need to hire

This first step is critical to the full life cycle recruiting process, as it sets the stage for everything that follows.

When identifying the need to hire, you’ll need to assess your current workforce and determine where there are gaps that need to be filled.

You’ll also need to create a job description that accurately reflects the duties, responsibilities, and requirements of the position, as well as the qualifications and experience you’re seeking in a candidate.

2. Source candidates

To attract and source candidates, you’ll need to use a variety of methods, including posting job listings on job boards and social media, using employee referrals, networking, and partnering with recruitment agencies.

By using multiple sourcing methods, you can increase the pool of candidates and find the best fit for the position.

3. Screen candidates

Screening candidates involves reviewing resumes, cover letters, and applications to determine whether they meet the minimum qualifications for the position.

You’ll need to assess candidates’ skills, experience, education, and other qualifications to determine whether they’re a good fit for the position. This may be conducted over phone or video screenings to further assess candidates’ qualifications.

4. Interview candidates

Once you’ve screened candidates, make sure to invite the most qualified ones for an in-person or video interview.

You’ll need to ask behavioral interview questions to assess the candidates’ skills, experience, and cultural fit.

Also, don’t forget to determine whether the candidate’s personality and work style align with the company’s culture and values.

5. Select candidates

After conducting interviews, you’ll select the best-fit candidate(s) for the position and extend an offer of employment.

This involves evaluating each candidate’s qualifications, experience, and cultural fit, as well as negotiating salary and other employment terms.

6. Background and reference checks

Conducting background and reference checks is essential to ensure that you’re making informed hiring decisions.

Make sure to verify candidates’ employment history, education, and criminal history to determine whether they’re a good fit for the position and the company. This helps ensure that you hire ONLY trustworthy and reliable employees who will represent the company well.

7. Negotiate and finalize an offer

Once you’ve selected a candidate, you’ll need to negotiate salary and other employment terms and finalize the job offer.

This involves evaluating the candidate’s expectations and negotiating a salary and other employment terms that are fair and reasonable.

8. Onboarding

Onboarding is a critical part of the full cycle recruiting process, as it helps new employees adjust to their new roles and become productive members of the team.

You’ll need to orient the new employee to the company, introduce them to the team, and provide training and support to help them succeed in their new role.

9. Follow-up

After the new employee has been on the job for a period of time, follow up with them to ensure their satisfaction with the job and identify and address any issues that may arise.

This involves providing ongoing support and feedback to help the employee succeed in their role and ensure that they’re happy and engaged in their work.

Pros and cons of a full cycle recruitment process

pros and cons of full cycle recruiting


1. It’s comprehensive

Full cycle recruiting provides an all-encompassing approach to hiring that ensures that all steps are taken to attract, screen, interview, and select the best-fit candidate(s) for the position.

By following a structured and organized approach, you can ensure that all aspects of the hiring process are covered, leading to better hiring decisions and more successful outcomes.

2. It’s efficient

While full cycle recruiting can be time-consuming, it can also be efficient in the long run.

By streamlining the hiring process and ensuring that all steps are taken, you can save time and resources in the long run.

Additionally, using technology to automate manual tasks can further increase efficiency and reduce the time required to complete the hiring process.

4. Provides a better candidate experience

Providing a positive candidate experience is essential for attracting and retaining top talent.

By using a full cycle recruiting process, you can keep candidates informed throughout the hiring process and provide timely feedback.

This can help build a positive employer brand and attract high-quality candidates in the future.

5. Mitigates risk 

Conducting background and reference checks can help mitigate potential risks associated with hiring, such as hiring an employee with a criminal record or a history of misconduct.

By taking steps to ensure that candidates are qualified and trustworthy, you can minimize the risk of negative outcomes and legal issues down the line.


1. Costly

The process of full cycle recruiting can be costly, as it may require the use of recruitment agencies, job boards, and other hiring resources.

On top of that, conducting background and reference checks may require additional resources, such as hiring a third-party vendor or dedicating internal staff time to the task.

2. Lack of diversity

Without proper training and awareness, there is a risk of unconscious bias in the recruiting process, which can negatively impact the diversity and inclusivity of the workforce.

This can be a significant drawback, as a lack of diversity can lead to lower employee engagement, higher turnover, and a negative impact on the overall business.

3. Limited pool of candidates

Using a full cycle recruiting process may limit the pool of candidates to those who are actively looking for jobs or who are easily reachable through standard recruiting channels.

This again can be a major drawback, especially for positions that require specialized skills or experience.

To address this issue, it may be necessary to use multiple sourcing methods or partner with niche job boards or recruitment agencies.

9 best strategies and hacks for a full cycle recruiting process

best strategies for full cycle recruitment

1. Develop a strong employer brand

Your employer brand is what sets you apart from your competitors and attracts top talent. It is the collective reputation of your company and the perception that candidates have of your organization.

Building a strong employer brand can make a huge difference in the talent pool you attract. Highlighting company culture, employee benefits, and community involvement can significantly impact the perception of your brand.

2. Optimize your job descriptions

Your job description is the first impression that you make on a candidate.

Be clear, concise, and informative while advertising a new position. Avoid using buzzwords and industry jargon. Instead, focus on the key skills and qualifications required for the open position.

Also, don’t forget to ensure that your JDs are inclusive and free from any discriminatory language.

3. Leverage employee referrals

Your current employees already know and understand the company culture, which makes them great recruiters for their networks.

Train the members of your organization so that they can hop on to proper referral programs. Introduce them to ready-made templates and encourage them to write out referrals for like-minded individuals. 

Once you start getting quality candidates through this process, you can also incentivize employee referrals by offering bonuses or other rewards to your team members for successful hires.

4. Embrace social media

Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are great tools for sourcing and engaging with the best candidates.

Leverage these platforms to showcase your employer brand and connect with job seekers. You can also use social media to advertise job openings that reach a larger audience. Our in-house experts have also created a beginner-friendly social media recruiting guide that will help you embrace this with ease.

5. Implement an applicant tracking system

An ATS is a software application that streamlines the recruitment process by managing job postings, resumes, and candidate communication.

Let’s say you have to shortlist a single individual among a throng of qualified candidates. This is where an applicant tracking system comes in handy for the hiring team and improves the candidate selection process.

By minimizing time and effort, you can cut down on a lot of human resources and save the day by managing your workflow better.

6. Use data to drive decision making

Data-driven decision-making can significantly improve the effectiveness of your recruiting process. Use analytics tools to track metrics such as time-to-hire, cost-per-hire, and candidate sources.

Analyzing this data can help you identify areas of improvement in your process and make data-backed decisions.

7. Conduct structured interviews

Structured interviews are standardized interviews where all candidates are asked the same questions in the same order.

This interview process reduces bias and ensures that each candidate is evaluated consistently. It also helps to train the interviewers to conduct interviews effectively

8. Emphasize candidate experience

The candidate experience is the overall impression that a candidate has of your company throughout the hiring process.

A positive candidate experience can lead to better employer branding and increased retention rates.

Ensure that candidates are kept informed throughout the process and that communication is timely and transparent.

9. Be agile and adaptive

The recruiting landscape is constantly evolving, and it’s important to be agile and adaptive to stay ahead of the curve. Keep up with industry trends and adopt new technologies and techniques when necessary.

Now that you have a comprehensive list of strategies and hacks, it’s time to put them into action! Remember, recruiting is not an exact science, and it may take some trial and error to find what works best for your organization.

Best practices for full cycle recruiting

Best practices of full cycle recruiting

To optimize your hiring process, here are several key practices you should adopt in addition to the full cycle recruiting strategies:

  • Be transparent with candidates about the hiring process and timeline so that it is easier to manage expectations and avoid misunderstandings.
  • Provide feedback to candidates after interviews to maintain a positive candidate experience and build a strong employer brand.
  • Conduct background and reference checks to reduce risks and ensure that you make informed hiring decisions.

Remember, recruiting is not just about finding the right candidate for the job, but also finding the right fit for your organization. 

By implementing these best practices and focusing on candidate experience and employer branding, you can build a strong recruiting process that attracts top talent and enhances your organization’s culture.

Your search for the perfect recruitment tool for full cycle hiring ends here 

When it comes to recruiting, having the right tools can make all the difference! And Recruit CRM definitely serves as the go-to solution for all your full cycle recruitment needs. Here’s why –

Recruit CRM is a powerful recruitment software that combines an ATS and a CRM to provide a comprehensive solution for recruitment agencies and HR teams. With its robust set of features, user-friendly interface, and fully customizable options, Recruit CRM is simply THE BEST in the market.

What sets Recruit CRM apart is its advanced search capabilities, candidate database, and email templates, which make finding and managing candidates a breeze. The platform also offers job posting and distribution, candidate sourcing and screening, interview scheduling, and reporting to streamline the hiring process and improve productivity.

What are you waiting for? Take Recruit CRM on a spin by signing up for an unlimited time free trial or book a demo with their product specialists.

Frequently asked questions

1. How can I ensure that my recruiting process is inclusive and free from bias?

To ensure that your recruiting process is inclusive and free from bias, it’s imperative to establish clear job requirements and evaluation criteria.

Using structured interviews, blind resume reviews, and diverse hiring panels can help mitigate bias in the process. It’s also important to monitor and analyze your hiring data to identify any potential disparities or areas for improvement.

2. How can I keep up with industry trends and stay ahead of the curve?

To stay up-to-date with industry trends, it’s important to network with other recruiters and attend industry events and conferences.

Subscribing to recruiting publications and following recruiting thought leaders on social media can help you stay informed about emerging trends and best practices.

3. How can I streamline the candidate screening process?

To streamline the candidate screening process, it’s important to establish clear screening criteria and leverage technology wherever possible. This includes using resume screening software, conducting phone screens, and using pre-employment assessments to evaluate candidates’ skills and qualifications.

4. How can I build a strong talent pipeline for future hiring needs?

Building a strong talent pipeline involves maintaining relationships with passive candidates and staying engaged with past applicants. This may include regularly communicating with candidates via email or social media, providing them with relevant content and updates about your organization, and conducting regular check-ins to stay top of mind.

5. How can I ensure that my hiring process is compliant with legal regulations?

Make sure that you and your team are knowledgeable about the legal requirements related to hirings, such as equal employment opportunity (EEO) laws, anti-discrimination laws, and wage and hour laws. 

Consider seeking legal guidance from an employment law attorney to ensure that your hiring process is compliant with all relevant laws and regulations.