Do you want to make talent management more streamlined and organized? It’s time for you to start using an open source applicant tracking system.

Learn more about this much-needed recruiting tool in our comprehensive guide.

What is an open source applicant tracking system? 

Open Source Applicant Tracking System

An open source applicant tracking system (ATS) is an HR software that helps recruiters attract applicants and convert them into loyal candidates by streamlining their entire hiring journey.

Like any regular ATS, staffing firms use an open-source hiring solution to automate the most time-consuming tasks like job postings, resume storage, candidate tracking, and progress updates.

The only difference is that the source code of this software is public, and users can easily use, distribute and modify it to meet their specific hiring needs free of charge (but under certain terms as per the license).

These recruitment tracking platforms are usually less expensive and highly customizable than most proprietary ATS solutions. 

Also, they have a large user community that provides support and contributes to the constant development of the software.

What are the key features of an open source applicant tracking system? 

1. Customization

This is the most loved feature of all! 

An open-source ATS means that you can tweak it to match your business requirements and ensure faster adoption. 

The customization feature lets you modify the platform and include custom fields, automate specific recruitment processes, and makes it easier to manage the entire hiring workflow.

Most recruiting software allow you to customize numerous procedures like reporting, emailing, building a talent pipeline, etc. 

2. Integration

Since centralization in recruitment is super important, you need to use an ATS system that let’s you integrate all your favorite applications in one place for a smooth workflow.

This feature can help you connect with other relevant tools, such as job boards and communication channels. 

The capability to integrate lets your data flow smoothly through all the apps, making it easier for you to track the whole process. 

3. Chrome sourcing extension 

A chrome extension is a powerful tool that allows users to source candidates, clients, and even companies from various platforms. 

With just a few clicks, users can quickly import data from popular sites such as LinkedIn, Xing, and Zoominfo into their ATS, streamlining the recruitment process and saving valuable time and efforts.

4. Reporting and analytics

Statistics are truly a recruiter’s best friend when it comes to uplevelling their hiring performance and tracking KPIs.

An open-source ATS provides you with access to real-time data, including candidate pipelines, job posting analytics, and interview schedules. 

This data can be used to make informed recruiting decisions, evaluate strategies, and improve talent acquisition processes to a significant extent.

Open Source Applicant Tracking System

5. Resume parsing

Resume shortlisting being a core step of recruiting, needs to be done with utmost efficiency. And there’s no better way to do it than through proper utilization of automation.

Your hiring software should have the ability to automatically extract information from CVs and shortlist candidate profiles by using relevant keywords, skills, and experiences as mentioned in the job description

This feature also helps in reducing manual data entry, saving you quite a few hours. 

6. Communication tools

Effective communication tools include features such as chatbots, candidate messaging, bulk emailing, email personalization, and SMS triggers. 

Chatbots and messaging features can provide quick and efficient answers to candidate questions, freeing up recruiters to focus on more complex tasks. 

Bulk emailing allows you to send out mass communications to candidates or clients with ease, while email personalization adds a touch of human interaction to the process by allowing you to tailor each message. 

SMS triggers provide another channel of interaction and can be used to send reminders, updates, or even good news to candidates. 

By incorporating these communication tools, open source applicant tracking system platforms help in delivering a positive client and candidate experience.

6 ways in which an open source applicant tracking software benefits recruiters 

Open Source Applicant Tracking System recruitment

1. Saves time and money

A good open source applicant tracking system promises effortless recruiting and exceptional results by streamlining all your manual work like screening applications, scheduling interviews, etc., so you can focus on more value-added tasks.

Also, it cuts down the time and money spent on maintaining a huge pile of physical files and paperwork, making the entire workflow much more efficient for your hiring team.

2. Streamlines hiring process

One of the major benefits of an open-source recruitment platform is that it offers a centralized place to optimize all your recruiting activities without hopping from one application to another.

From posting a job advertisement to multiple channels in just a few clicks to sending the job offer letter to a qualified candidate, an open source applicant tracking system makes the whole hiring process simpler and quicker for recruiters.

3. Improves data management and collaborations

Most modern applicant tracking software have a full-fledged integration package that allows recruiters to work collaboratively.

This way, agency recruiters can efficiently exchange candidate information and feedback with their hiring managers and lead a joint decision-making process.

Also, open source applicant tracking system allows you to gather, access, and manage candidate data in real time, helping headhunters make more informed decisions and improving their ability to track the progress of their recruiting efforts.

4. Improves candidate experience

Statistics show that 58% of candidates reject a job offer if they had a terrible candidate experience during their hiring journey. Imagine the loss!

But is there any way out? You guessed it right- implementing an AI-powered Applicant Tracking System.

With an ATS + CRM, you can keep every candidate in a communication loop by sending them automated emails and messages, so none is left in the lurch.

Paired with human touch, your open-source applicant tracking system solution can significantly impact the entire hiring process, resulting in positive word-of-mouth marketing about your business.

5. Provides access to insights and reports

The most significant benefit of leveraging a hiring management software is that it keeps track of your entire process.

It provides auto-generated real-time reports and insights on metrics like which channel attracted the most candidates, the cost-per-hire, the applicant conversion rate, etc., that helps recruiters identify the loopholes in their recruiting strategies and improve accordingly.

6. Boosts recruiter’s productivity

Data shows that, on average, recruiters spend approximately 33% of their time on administrative tasks, leaving them with very little time to focus on more critical work, like employee training, networking, etc.

An open-source talent management software can make your hiring process seamless by automating time-consuming tasks, reducing expenditure, and improving communication. 

This way, you can get more quality work done quickly and spend some #MeTime amidst the workload.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) 

1. How does an open source ats software work?

An Open Source applicant tracking system is an OSS that is distributed with its source code, which allows its coders to use, or modify the source code to meet their specific recruiting demands. 

The development of an open source applicant tracking system is based on the principles of transparency, collaboration, and freedom.

Users can access the source code and contribute to the development of the software, fixing bugs, adding new features, and improving the software for everyone. 

The software is typically licensed under an open-source license, such as the GPL or Apache license, which defines the terms and conditions for using and sharing the software. 

2. How to assess and choose a good open source applicant tracking system?

 Here are some steps to help you assess and choose a good applicant tracking system:

  • Determine your requirements: List out your organization’s recruitment needs, such as the number of job postings, resume storage capacity, interview scheduling, and reporting capabilities.
  • Research available options: Look for open source applicant tracking system options that meet your requirements and consider all the available options.
  • Evaluate features and functionality: Consider each software’s features, such as resume parsing, candidate management, interview scheduling, and reporting. Ensure the staffing software has the necessary features to meet your organization’s recruitment needs. You also need to check if the system is efficient and profitable by using an ATS ROI calculator.
  • User reviews and ratings: Read user reviews and ratings from other companies that have used the software to gauge user experience and satisfaction.
  • Pricing: Consider each ATS’ cost and ensure it fits within your budget.
  • Customer support: Ensure that the providers offers good customer support within little to no time. 
  • Demo: Ask for a demo or trial before deciding to see how it works in reality and ensure it meets your needs.